ave to give up on conditionally adding ~/bin in .bash_profile as every
subshell would overwrite it with the .bashrc assignment...
Suggestions anyone???
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
an "Arch key" to UEFI, posting a wiki
tutorial for that?
Speaking for myself, I know I wouldn't have a clue how to do either without
a good tutorial. And it's starting to sound like I'm going to have to know
how to do one or the other by the time I'm ready for new hardware...
My current desktop is from 2005, and it hasn't shown any signs of failing
{yet}... {{Please God let me find such a tutorial when it does fail...}}
| ~^~ ~^~
| <*> <*> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
| \___/ <>
did with am inserted sub stick... But that, likewise, hasn't happened in a long
Guess I was just being nervous about nothing...
| ~^~ ~^~
| <*> <*> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
| \___/ <>
n't want, don't use, don't understand, and mostly
don't remember how to disable...
Do you know if I'm going to have to go there again???
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
ll be dropped by major distros.
I'm happy to agree.
| ~^~ ~^~
| <*> <*> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
| \___/ <>
It would appear that on Jan 13, gt did say:
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 05:14:13PM +0200, Mantas M. wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 08:33:36AM -0500, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > > Pardon me for jumping in here, but if mutt isn't smart enough to
> > > autom
ith it's own editor/composer but can easily be configured to use
your choice of alternate editors (I use vim with it)...
Just a thought...
| --- ___
| <0> <-> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^ J(tWdy)P
|~\___/~ <>
ith his back against the wall
and fight, like it was as important to never give up as if it was part of the
great Emacs/Vi holy war or something...
| ~^~ ~^~
| <*> <*> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
| \___/ <>
But if I actually knew everything, then I'd know I was an idiot...
reason I can't use E I fall
back on xfce. But from KDE{4} or gnome{any} I'll only use what I need to run
a few selected applications.
I'll admit I didn't try it with Fedora, But I gave up on them some time
Just an FYI...
|^^^ ^^^
| Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|^ J(tWdy)P
| ___ <>
It would appear that on Oct 2, Myra Nelson did say:
> On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 18:40, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > Since the version of xorg in question is "from testing" I suspect I've
> > nothing to worry about and that it wouldn't wind up in the main rep
r is extremely incompatible with nouveau, I'd like to
understand what and where this "Ignorepkg" is?
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
hen that didn't
work I edited it to just say "cups". I didn't think much about it at the time.
All I cared was that my printer worked again.
But why would one Arch Linux installation need "cups" in the daemons line
while another needs "cupsd"???
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
It would appear that on Jul 12, Tom Gundersen did say:
> On Jul 12, 2011, at 15:18, "Joe(theWordy)Philbrook" wrote:
> > Whereas If I put "ntpd -qg &"
> > in rc.local there is sometimes enough time to type my username before the
> > NTP based ti
It would appear that on Jul 13, C Anthony Risinger did say:
> On Jul 12, 2011 8:19 AM, "Joe(theWordy)Philbrook" wrote:
> Dude ... just set UTC and forget about it ... forever :-)
> The wisdom of others frees time to build more wisdom of self.
It would appear that on Jul 11, Tom Gundersen did say:
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook
> wrote:
> > NOT dual-boot, Multi-boot, And I don't think in UTC
> The more OS'es you have, the better reason to keep RTC in UTC. You
> shouldn&
with the bios set-up screen prior to loading an OS and I have no intention
of having to mentally convert to/from UTC to see if it's correct.
It would appear that on Jul 11, Thomas Bächler did say:
> Am 11.07.2011 17:20, schrieb Joe(theWordy)Philbrook:
> > Since I multi-
me reason I should boot up when the internet isn't
accessible, there would be no ntp server to correct Arch's misconception
that the hardwareclock was already in UTC which would result in bogus
timestamps on any files I modified during that time (not to mention bogus
clock displays...)
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
It would appear that on Jul 10, Vic Demuzere did say:
> Maybe I should have explained that more.
> As you can see on the arch wiki [1], you either use "nvidia" OR
> "nvidia-173xx and nvidia-96xx". That means that if you're currently
> using "nvidia", you won't have any problems with updating.
ould I worry about it? That is should I find out how to prevent pacman
from messing with the video driver, or does the "270.41.19-1" mean the
above will have no effect on my nvidia driver?
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
It would appear that on Jun 12, Heiko Baums did say:
> Am Sat, 11 Jun 2011 23:07:00 -0400
> schrieb "Joe(theWordy)Philbrook" :
> > Actually It's been a long time since I had actual boot failures with
> > Arch... And if memory serves it wasn't the upda
It would appear that on Jun 11, Heiko Baums did say:
> Am Sat, 11 Jun 2011 12:40:36 -0400
> schrieb "Joe(theWordy)Philbrook" :
> > OK so lets see if I understand... I already maintain a manually
> > configured grub legacy partition where each of my installed Li
It would appear that on Jun 11, Heiko Baums did say:
> Am Fri, 10 Jun 2011 21:21:17 -0400
> schrieb "Joe(theWordy)Philbrook" :
> > Mind specifying for an idiot like me just which package-file-names
> > I'd need to use with pacman -U to restore the pre
hose cases in which an
updated kernel is unbootable are very, very rare." I think I'd rather learn
how to use the "pacman -U" method...
| ~^~ ~^~
| <*> <*> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
| \___/ <>
wouldn't work...
«I blame CRS {see below}» I've tried to learn stuff like that but the knowledge
didn't stick.
Is there a step by step how-to or wiki I could bookmark???
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
st in case the new kernel is effectively borked... (possibly due to a
hardware incompatibility...) And if I remember right, you said something
about this not working if the new kernel can't boot...
| ~^~ ~^~
| <*> <*> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
| \___/ <>
the kind of thing that caused me to become a ‘multi-Linux distribution’,
‘multi-boot’ kind of guy in the first place. When an upgrade «or my own
dumb mistakes» break my system I like being able to simply reboot something
else and finish anything I'm working on before I spend hours, or days, or
even weeks just trying to figure out what broke...
It's not likely that anything other than a hardware failure will shut down
Arch AND Ubuntu AND PCLinuxOS AND OpenSuSE all at the same time... And for
that I still have a laptop...
But it would sure be nice to be able to keep using my favorite distro with
a fallback kernel instead of having to boot one of the others. But I do
have to agree that more than one fully functional old kernel is a bad
idea. Though I don't have much trouble manually deleting the really old ones
from Ubuntu's /boot dir...
| ~^~ ~^~
| <*> <*> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
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| \___/ <>
lchecker on my
PCLinuxOS copy of LyX 2.0.0 no longer recognizes that, even after I tried
adding it again...
You can find the discussion I started on the LyX user list at:
| --- ___
| <0> <-> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
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eboot, a kernel update will have no
> effect anyway.
As a general rule I always reboot after any "pacman -Su" operation. If I
wasn't prepared to reboot, I wouldn't upgrade my system.
| --- ___
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It would appear that on Sep 16, Nicky726 did say:
> Dne Čt 16. září 2010 06:27:23 Joe(theWordy)Philbrook napsal(a):
> >
> > I'll followup to this thread if one of AUR's themes works for me.
> > -or-
> > if e17 respects &quo
A glance at the background tells me if I'm in the right workspace...
But more themes to pick over are always welcome. So thanks
| ~^~ ~^~
| <*> <*> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
| \___/ <>
rks well enough so that I'll manage until the next upgrade
Thanks again for all the helpful suggestions
| --- ___
| <0> <-> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
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It would appear that on Sep 15, Christoph Rissner did say:
> On 09/15/2010 10:19 AM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > community/e-svn 51937-1 (e17-svn) [installed]
> I'm also running that version (but on i686), without any problems.
> I'm using the default
irectory and letting e17 start with a fresh user profile.
But it still wouldn't let me save my changes if they included screen
resolution changes.
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
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It would appear that on Aug 26, Dave Reisner did say:
> On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 01:35:33PM -0400, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > As a mere arch user who happens to think that the concept of well
> > commented configuration files such as Arch's rc.conf are WONDERFUL.
t a developer, so I don't know that my
concerns count for much.
| ~^~ ~^~
| <*> <*> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
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ch should have been a dependency???) And the command svn
wasn't found...
One odd thing. The last time I used yaourt once prior to this, once the
package was compiled, it wanted my root password to finish the install.
This time yaourt never asked for it???
What am I doing wrong???
| ~^~ ~^~
It would appear that on Jul 23, Nathan Wayde did say:
> On 22/07/10 23:31, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > I used the search box inside "Firefox->Edit->Preferences->Applications" to
> > pull up what to do with "pdf" and was then able to set it
operation makes any difference or not.
Would someone be so kind as to set me straight on this???
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
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e if I wanted to... And if I select "always ask" the pop-up
doesn't offer okular except by clicking my way to the search box where I need
to point or type the full path. IE: /usr/bin/okular rather than just okular
So I decided to just set it and forget it.
Hope this helps.
| --- ___
| <0> <-> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
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It would appear that on Jul 19, David C. Rankin did say:
> On 07/19/2010 12:10 AM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > I can't change it's appearance (except to the extent of accepting a theme's
> > default changes)
> >
> > I can't add or remove ga
on the same machine using the
e17 provided with apt-get (both an up to date PCLOS2010 and an up to date
Xubuntu Karmic installation) let me make these changes. Note: in all three
cases the installer/package-manager provided Nvidia driver was installed.
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
arted on Jul 4th 2010 with the subject line of:
screen goes blank on reboot after 1st pacman Su of new install!!!???
Hmmnnn I just noticed that I said "pacman Su" on that subject line rather
than "pacman -Su"... Just goes to show that my brain is less than perfect.
Hope this is of some help anyway.
| --- ___
| <0> <-> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
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But I can't
complain too much, Once I manage to get it configured to taste, E17 has
always been a pleasure to use...
At this point I've got Arch sufficiently squared away for me to consider
making my next project installing Xubuntu an another partition...
But not tonight!
anager in the first place Every time I
install a new distro, one of the first things I gotta do is find out how
to avoid their preferred DM and use startx when (and if) I decide I'm ready
for X to start.
Thanks for the suggestions Myra, If I'd have had your response before I'd
installed n
It would appear that on Jul 5, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook did say:
> I'm still hoping that the issues I'm having with mc etc... are related to
> nomodeset rather than deeper issues. I ran a few empirical tests BTW and
> fount that if I start mc before I access more than 2 or 3 tty
It would appear that on Jul 5, Ross did say:
> On 05/07/10 07:08, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > I've yet to find a DE that will remember enough details of a konsole window
> > in it's saved sessions method to prestart the correct application(s) in the
> &
It would appear that on Jul 4, f...@kokkinizita.net did say:
> I'm using XDM which is relatively painless compared to
> GDM, KDM and friends. With a modified 'Arch' setup it
> can be made to look nice.
What looks nice to me is the console login prompt...
Also aside from that, there's another re
e so uncomfortable that I forget why I was
booting the durned computer in the first place. Heck I even insist on a
text based grub menu for similar reasons. When I'm ready to put up with a
GUI, I use startx, and not until...
Still Like I told "Osku", I'll
one time blindly
logged in as root to the console and blindly typed:
shutdown -h now
Which resulted in a powerdown.
But I still don't have any idea what's killing my monitor output. I can
use my PCLinuxOS installation's root account to examine/edit *ANY* file.
But I don'
Than to:
would you be so kind as to give me a pointer or two?
I mean I don't suppose I could getaway with simply renaming
"evince.desktop" as "okular.desktop" to get that effect without
buggering up my ab
It would appear that on Jun 5, Ross did say:
> On 05/06/10 17:36, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> >
> > Wvdial only finds the modem when I specify 'Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0' in
> > my wvdial.conf file...
> >
> >
> Are you able to access the modem w
nput/output error
=> UnderTree =-> vim /etc/wvdial.conf
=> UnderTree =-> wvdial
=> --> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.61
=> --> Cannot get information for serial port.
=> --> Initializing modem.
=> --> Sending: ATZ
=> ATZ
=> OK
=> --> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C0 &D2 H1 +FCLASS=0
=> ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C0 &D2 H1 +FCLASS=0
=> OK
=> --> Modem initialized.
=> --> Sending: ATDT7340102
=> --> Waiting for carrier.
=> ATDT7340102
=> --> Invalid dial command.
=> --> Disconnecting at Sat Jun 5 00:38:10 2010
=> UnderTree =->
Wvdial only finds the modem when I specify 'Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0' in
my wvdial.conf file...
|^^^ ^^^
| Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|^ J(tWdy)P
| ___ <>
It would appear that on Jun 4, Ross did say:
> Perhaps you need pulse instead of tone dialing? If that is the case try
> setting Dial Command = ATDP
Thanks for the suggestion Ross. Though I don't see how that could be it...
All of my telephones use tone not pulse (I just double checked the one o
I'm having a problem getting dialup to work...
Due to financial limitations, I'm going to have to give up my expensive
broadband connection in favor of {sigh} dial-up which will save me about
I still have my external v92 zoom serial modem from before I went
broadband. But now that my on
R suggestion, and that of Dan McGee, seem to explain what I
was missing with my ifconfig idea... Which is what I actualy asked...
I'd like to thank all of you very much for the kind suggestions. This
thread will definitely be copied to my "LinuxClues" folder for future
| ~^~ ~^~
| <*> <*> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
| \___/ <>
Ethernet cable, it doesn't automatically connect. I tried:
# ifconfig eth0 up
but ping still doesn't find my ISP
What am I missing
| ~^~ ~^~
| Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
{expletive deleted} 'personalities' at gateway build a "winmodem" into the
high def sound card...
Thanks again
| ~^~ ~^~
| <*> <*> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
| \___/ <>
It would appear that on Apr 28, Rogutės Sparnuotos did say:
> Joe(theWordy)Philbrook (2010-04-28 02:21):
> <...>
> > When/if connected via dialup, I'll be paying by the connected hour, so I
> > don't want anyone I don't trust with the root password to
Hi. It's been so long since I've bothered with dial-up that I'm not sure
where to begin. But so that I can bring my laptop with me to check my mail
etc... when I'm visiting my sister I need to get it working. Without
messing up my 'working' broadband set-up.
It looks like my best bet is to use w
It would appear that on Apr 20, Nathan Wayde did say:
> On 20/04/10 03:56, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> >
> > Am I missing something obvious here???
> >
> Yeah, `pacman -Ql eterm | grep bin/`. The binary is Eterm (upper-case e)
I think I knew t
-19 21:34] installed libast (0.7-2)
[2010-04-19 21:34] installed eterm (0.9.5-3)
I note roxterm works, eterm doesn't...
I don't see any errors listed in the pacman.log...
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
It would appear that on Apr 18, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook did say:
> It would appear that on Apr 17, David C. Rankin did say:
> > On 04/16/2010 04:12 PM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > >
> >
> > > How can I a regular "Joe user", figure out if
It would appear that on Apr 17, David C. Rankin did say:
> On 04/16/2010 04:12 PM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> >
> > How can I a regular "Joe user", figure out if this is an actual E17 bug
> > or if it's an Arch specific thing???
> >
al address that "Joey Kingery" subscribed with and
manually unsubscribe it, the only answer is something like a procmail
recipe routing such bounce messages to /dev/null... {sigh} whata
waste of bits... ;-(
| --- ---
| Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| J(tWdy)P ^
| <> /---\ "bla bla bla..."
| \___/ "...and bla..."
At least I know my mouth is running, I just can't find the off button!
ktop, so I've reassigned the keybinding I used to
pull up e17's run prompt with, to "/usr/bin/xfrun4". Which is works just
How can I a regular "Joe user", figure out if this is an actual E17 bug
or if it's an Arch specific thing???
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
he time... It's on my
todo list. In the meantime Somebody replied off list and pointed me at
a decent set of fonts that I was even able to get via pacman. So at
least I'm not squinting at my console screens anymore.
| --- ___
| <0> <-> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
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It would appear that on Apr 10, I, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook did utter:
> It would appear that on Apr 10, Jeroen Op 't Eynde did say:
> > For #1: For the resolution, you probably have some high resolution screen
> > and
> > KMS is now enabled by def
It would appear that on Apr 10, Jeroen Op 't Eynde did say:
> On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 18:00:53 +0200, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook
> wrote:
> >Sigh...
> >
> >Problem #1
> >
> >How can I stop the reduction in the console font size???
> >
But now that it lops the majority of the boot messages off the top
it's beyond my ability to kludgon it into submission. ;-(
Suggestions anyone?
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
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I'm NOT clueless... But I just don't know.
It would appear that on Apr 8, Isaac Dupree did say:
> On 04/08/10 07:21, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > My take on it is that while it's always a good idea to be using a
> > current install medium, with Arch it only matters that your system is
> > able to beco
upgrade" (2 out of 5
such upgrades really hosed my my 'buntu installs...)} then I'll be singing
praises to the rolling release concept for a long time. (I really detest
having to recreate my user environment every 6 months...)
Nuff said.
| --- ___
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It would appear that on Mar 31, Guilherme M. Nogueira did say:
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook
> wrote:
> > [ ... ]
> > 99% of the time what I want is to just play the whole list in random order
> > with an easy hot key to skip any I dec
> p pause
> s stop
> n next
> b back
> S toggle shuffle
> Somehow much more intuitive, isn't it?
Those, I might be able to remember...
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start a debate over which music program is
better. I guess some people have strongly entrenched preferences.
I wonder if that infamous long running vi/emacs holy war started
as innocently as a request for suggestions for a good editor...
Oh no, tell me I didn't just mention both editor names in the same thread...
Seriously though, I thank you, one and all, for the suggestions.
| --- ___
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One that understands keyboard commands for it's functions???
And hopefully one that doesn't force me to break out a microscope to read
any displayed text or labels on some prettified gui representation of some
livingroom sound system where I don't even know which knob or button it
wants me to click on is supposed to do what???
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
It would appear that on Mar 30, Thomas Bächler did say:
> Am 29.03.2010 23:58, schrieb Joe(theWordy)Philbrook:
> > I do hope this is a valid adaption of the above template:
> >
> > SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{ID_FS_LABEL}=="j10_lap-10", OWNER="jtwd
It would appear that on Mar 29, Thomas Bächler did say:
> Am 29.03.2010 15:01, schrieb Joe(theWordy)Philbrook:
> > I was pleased to note that Arch evidently does think a rc.local is an
> > appropriate place for local initialization stuff to happen. However it's
> >
d the mount permisions to
any user even though this multi-boot linux box is my personal computer that
else uses...
Recommendations anyone?
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
It would appear that on Mar 21, Heiko Baums did say:
> Am Sun, 21 Mar 2010 09:15:43 -0400
> schrieb "Joe(theWordy)Philbrook" :
> > BTW I don't suppose you know of a way to get a different background
> > image on each XFCE workspace???
> That
s working now,
then I really don't care...
| ~^~ ~^~
| <*> <*> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
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| \___/ <>
It would appear that on Mar 21, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook did say:
> Thank you "bardo"! Trouble is I just tried that and I still get icons for
> any files in ~/Desktop.
Hunh? Now I'm confused. I verified that Icon type setting (which was already in
place when I fired up
o if, for
example I can set a different (familiar) picture to each of my desktop
areas (workspaces) Which I use to group certain tasks. I can use the
background to quickly see if I'm in the workspace I think I am before I start
opening applications related to that task-group. I know
It would appear that on Mar 19, Heiko Baums did say:
> Am Fri, 19 Mar 2010 14:50:36 -0400
> schrieb "Joe(theWordy)Philbrook" :
> >
> > could somebody give me a clue how to disable them? Thanks!
> Right click onto the desktop. Then desktop settings -> Icon
could somebody give me a clue how to disable them? Thanks!
| ~^~ ~^~
| Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^J(tWdy)P
|\___/ <>
news is afterwards, I rebooted (successfully) And then tested
cfdisk, which no longer complains. I figure if cfdisk is willing to work on
it, my partition table must now be nearly perfect...
| --- ___
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It would appear that on Mar 17, Linas did say:
> Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > fdisk /dev/sda
> >
> > Which complained about a dos compatibility flag and that I should
> > change the display/entry units to sectors. This showed me a small bit of
> > u
r and cylinder views of my part table below, Is
this anything I should be worried about??? Is there a way to fix this
without destroying everything in the extended partition??? (That's a LOT of
backing up to dvd, and I don't have room anyplace else...)
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWord
got time to test all my stuff.
AND B) I've got time to look for a workaround that I hope someone else
already figured out...)
My question is how often would you recommend doing a "pacman -Syu" to avoid
having so many "workarounds" that you feel like it might have been easier
to reinstall
| ~^~ ~^~
|Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
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the installation cd/dvd. And I gotta
say that so far I'm VERY impressed with the arch wiki documents. They
actually seem to be written to instruct the guy who doesn't already know the
So how will this up and coming demise of hal affect idiots like me who
don't know how
his part, looking at pacman -Ss
> xfce output. And even then, it could have worked, would xfdesktop have taken
> as
> dependancies the whole desktop.
Thanks for pointing that out. Still it looks like if I'd have read the whole
guide first, I wouldn't have been as li
e nice Arch user point me at enough step by step instructions so
that I can get enough of a gui up to use a browser like firefox so I can
try to find solutions via the web while Arch is actually running???
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| Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
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