Actually, I'm not sure if this is thanks to E17 itself or specific to Arch... And it's no big deal anyway because: A) e17 is "under heavy development", (And I know that means it's unstable) B) I've already got a workaround that works for me... But I'd like to understand what happened a little better.
First you should know that I'm a multi-Linux/multi-boot kind of guy, and that in every distro I install I depend on their package management system to keep me out of dependency hel^Hck... ;-7 Of all my currently installed distros, Arch is the one that seems most likely to install an unadulterated upstream package, rather than a distro specific {modified} version. And e17 is definitely a "package" that I wouldn't even attempt to install by hand. Thus the fact that the only e17 on my laptop that this has happened to is the one in Arch, doesn't make it distro specific. It probably only means the Arch e17 is more fully updated... At least that's mt best guess. Anyway I'm not sure what the e17 version number that I installed to Arch sometime since my mid March initial installation of Arch itself was, but as of now the e17 help about lists it as "Enlightenment 0.16.999.063". Prior to this recent pacman -Syu, e17's run prompt worked normally. Afterwards it's become fussy what the first character I input into it is. That is I usually start opera via the run prompt and when I type "o" the command history displays the last instance of the command And I can in fact start opera. I also use firefox, though I usually start that from inside alpine. Today I tried to start firefox from the run prompt. But as soon as I type an "f" into the first character position of the command input field, I get a pop-up error telling me that "Enlightenment SEGV'd" That also advises me to compile everything with "-g in CFLAGS" So far, the the restore button succeeds in restarting e17 without closing any open applications... But of course I didn't get firefox. I can start firefox from an xterm. And I tested that I can type "of" into the run prompt without an immediate SEGV But I can't type an f as the first character. I haven't tested the whole alphabet, But I also can't type a command starting with "b" or "/" as the first character. Though just because I'm stubborn I can tell you that I can start firefox [via e17's run prompt] with: "~/../../usr/bin/firefox" (go figure) I did say I've got a work around that works for me... I've also got XFCE installed as a back-up desktop, so I've reassigned the keybinding I used to pull up e17's run prompt with, to "/usr/bin/xfrun4". Which is works just fine. How can I a regular "Joe user", figure out if this is an actual E17 bug or if it's an Arch specific thing??? -- | ~^~ ~^~ | <?> <?> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook | ^ J(tWdy)P | \___/ <<>>