It would appear that on Mar 19, Heiko Baums did say: > Am Fri, 19 Mar 2010 14:50:36 -0400 > schrieb "Joe(theWordy)Philbrook" <>: > > > > could somebody give me a clue how to disable them? Thanks! > > Right click onto the desktop. Then desktop settings -> Icons or Symbols > (I don't know how it's called in the English version). > OK I tried that it got me to the same place as:
PopupMenu->settings->desktop->icons Which is where I turned off the other icon types. this lists only 4 choices for: [ ] Home [ ] Filesystem [ ] Trash [ ] Removable Devices Unchecking the first three each removed one icon. The last would only come in to play if I plugged in a removable device such as a usb drive... I've unchecked ALL of them but there are still 12 icons sitting there. Nine of which are marked with a truncated form of the 9 labels found in /dev/disk/by-label I'm not sure what the other three are... But thanks for the suggestion, it is after all where the control "should" be... Hmmnnn Wait a minute! I just looked into the directory ~/Desktop and found 12 symlinks to some entries from my newly installed Enlightenment desktop... But I installed XFCE first. And I distinctly remember scowling at those icons BEFORE I installed Enlightenment {where they hide the setting to NOT display such icons in the filemanager setups of all places...} Still since more than one Desktop environment may put things in ~/Desktop, there should be a setting somewhere to turn off displaying them. I just can't find it. <Sigh> I suppose I could use a brute force kludge to get them off the desktop. There would be no point in removing the Desktop directory itself as it would just get automatically recreated. But I could delete the symlinks from it and then "chmod 000 ~/Desktop" which should stop anything but a root process from recreating them. But I have no idea if some desktop process will react poorly to not being able to use the Desktop directory. Yup, that did it! Had to restart xfce before they went away. But at least they are gone from my desktop... -- | --- ___ | <0> <-> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook | ^ J(tWdy)P | ~\___/~ <<>>