I mean given that e17 is installed via pacman: When I do a pacman -Syu, how close to the current upstream version do I get? I'm pretty sure that all the module packages are listed as "svn" I think that's a version control thing designed to keep things up to date. And I think I remember reading something about the Arch way tending to keep packages real close to upstream versions. But While E17 works great on my up to date amd64 Gateway laptop, the same E17 on my amd64 HP Pavilion with Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE, also up to date however, wount allow me to make any changes to the shelf...
I can't change it's appearance (except to the extent of accepting a theme's default changes) I can't add or remove gadgets to/from the shelf. I can't change the size of the shelf. I can't change it's position from bottom center to any other setting. Any attempt to do any of the above leaves me with a "This is very bad..." pop-up that wants me to either select [restart (changes not saved)] or [exit (entire configuration messed up. Wind up deleting the entire ~/.e/* tree and redoing the keyboard shortcuts, desktops areas, backgrounds, theme, focus settings etc...] But I don't know if I should ask about this here or if it's actually close enough to the pure upstream version that I should inquire of the enlightenment users mailing list instead??? It's not a major issue for me, BTW. I work around it by positioning desktop gadgets I want on top of the shelf gadgets I don't want via the <ctrl>+<alt>+G immutable shortcut... Still if I've got a truly current e17 then maybe the E17 team should hear of the problem??? If not then perhaps whoever it is that updates the svn packages in community should be aware that on the same machine using the e17 provided with apt-get (both an up to date PCLOS2010 and an up to date Xubuntu Karmic installation) let me make these changes. Note: in all three cases the installer/package-manager provided Nvidia driver was installed. -- | ~^~ ~^~ | <?> <?> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook | ^ J(tWdy)P | \___/ <<jtw...@ttlc.net>>