It would appear that on Mar 21, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook did say: > Thank you "bardo"! Trouble is I just tried that and I still get icons for > any files in ~/Desktop.
<big snip> Hunh? Now I'm confused. I verified that Icon type setting (which was already in place when I fired up XFCE today...) And I poked around doing a couple of other tasks that needed doing for nearly a half hour before I composed that last longish reply {which basically said it didn't work and added a *Lot* of verbiage about why I didn't want the icons cluttering up my desktop} Then when I thought I was done with my email I closed he nearly fullscreen terminal Alpine had been running in. and hunh?, the icons were gone??? They "*_WERE_*" still there when I started composing that message. And that was at least an hour since the last time I reaffirmed Icon-type = "None" in the desktop settings... They were I tell you. But now about another hour later they spontaneously disappeared... Is XFCE stable? Does it only process config changes at certain times of day? What could possibly account for it taking hours ( actually several reboots PLUS hours since I first made that desktop setting say "None".) for it to start respecting the setting???? -- | ~^~ ~^~ | <?> <?> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook | ^ J(tWdy)P | \___/ <<>>