It would appear that on Jul 23, Nathan Wayde did say: > On 22/07/10 23:31, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote: > > I used the search box inside "Firefox->Edit->Preferences->Applications" to > > pull up what to do with "pdf" and was then able to set it to okular. But > > then I no longer get the selection pop-up that would let me override the > > choice > > why not just set it to xdg-open and be done with it? >
Speaking for myself I'd have to learn how to use xdg-open first... besides my use of firefox is currently is currently limited to on-line banking sessions and any web link I launch from alpine... In either case I want to close the browser when I'm done without losing track of any open pages I may have in opera. I only suggested the above because someone didn't see how to set the action for pdf documents in firefox the day after I figured out how to set my firefox to use okular... But speaking of xdg-open, isn't that dependent on the desktop preferred application settings? If so I'd never use it. I don't like my desktop trying to second guess me the way it does. I don't want a browser to open just cause I clicked on a link. (I like it to simply land in the clipboard buffer so that I can paste it where I want it, be that a text document, a browser's location bar or the command line (likely prefixed with wget) Or the To: field of an alpine compose session. -- | --- ___ | <0> <-> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook | ^ J(tWdy)P | ~\___/~ <<>>