It would appear that on Apr 17, David C. Rankin did say: > On 04/16/2010 04:12 PM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote: > > > <snip> > > How can I a regular "Joe user", figure out if this is an actual E17 bug > > or if it's an Arch specific thing??? > > > > Joe, > > I'll have to check my E17 install on Arch, but I just got through going > through > fits with E17 on suse. All of a sudden, E17 virtual desktop management and the > pager went nuts. If I opened an app on desktop 1 and then switched to desktop > 2, > etc.. the open app was visible on on desktops. (like you had the window set as > sticky to show up on all desktops) > > Further, E17 would crash every time I tried to change shelf properties > or > add/remove apps from ibar, etc.. The issues ended up being something in my > ~/.e > directory. I hadn't changed any settings at all in E17 for quite some time, so > one of the E17 updates did something strange to the config that really screwed > E17 up. Wiping out my ~/.e directory and restarting with the default black & > white theme cured it. After the restart and forced rebuild of the default > configuration, I could reconfigure E17 exactly the way I had it before and it > worked just fine. If you haven't tried it, it might be worth a shot.
Thanks for looking into it David, And for the suggestion. I suppose it could be that something messed with something in my ~/.e file hierarchy That's probably more likely than that something changed in such a way as to make some formerly viable set up to suddenly become incompatible... I really hope that if either is true, it's the former as I really detest rebuilding my keyboard shortcuts with the freaking pointNclick GUI config tool. Especially since there isn't a one that matches the default settings AND my mouse skills are a negative value... {Gawd how I miss the old scriptable pre-dbus enlightenment_remote command. that allowed me to set *_MY_* default keybindings with a bash script as the first thing to do once e17 was installed} At least (if the former is the case) I can use the fact that when I first got it set up the way I liked I did a "cp -R ~/.e ~/tmp/e_bu" (Something I learned to do because with some of my e17 installations the "remember" settings for a few things in my .xintrc kept getting "lost"... {PCLinuxOS comes to mind where I've actually gone so far as to put an "cp -R" in my .bash_profile to restore the original every time I login...}) I'll have to test if restoring the prev version of .e will fix it. After all the only thing I'd lose is the updated keybinding assigning Alt+F2 to xfrun4 instead of the e17 run prompt... Then I suppose (given I can still restore the .e dir if it doesn't help) I could let e17 build me a new default .e ... I'll let you know how it pans out in a day or two. -- | ~^~ ~^~ | <*> <*> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook | ^ J(tWdy)P | \___/ <<>>