dramaticlly commented on code in PR #11597:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11597#discussion_r1868763730

@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ default Transaction newReplaceTableTransaction(
-   * Check whether table exists.
+   * Check whether table or metadata table exists.

Review Comment:
   I think it's otherwise, all other catalog reuse the default implementation 
where they tried to load table first as a way to determine whether table 
exists. The ECSCatalog is the only concrete implementation override this method 
which might not handle the metadata tables. Partly it was because such 
behaviour was implicit without unit test or documentation, until @szehon-ho 
mentioned it in 
   My vote is that we can override the javadoc in ECSCatalog instead, what do 
you think?

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