kevinjqliu commented on code in PR #1432:

@@ -328,8 +328,8 @@ def __init__(
         data["type"] = data["type"] if "type" in data else field_type
         data["required"] = required
         data["doc"] = doc

Review Comment:
   I went down a rabbit hole, here's what I learned. 
   1. Using `__init__` with a pydantic model is kind of an anti-pattern; the 
pydantic model typically handles all the initialization/validation. 
   2. `__init__` here is to provide the ability to initialize `NestedField` 
with positional args, i.e. `NestedField(1, "blah")`
   For backward compatibility, we can't change `NestedField` to not take 
positional args. 
   But we can make this `__init__` (and other `__init__`s) more resilient to 
bugs with something like
       def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
           # implements `__init__` to support initialization with positional 
           if args:
               field_names = list(self.model_fields.keys()) # Gets all field 
names defined on the model
               if len(args) > len(field_names):
                   raise TypeError(f"Too many positional arguments. Expected at 
most {len(field_names)}")
               kwargs.update(dict(zip(field_names, args))) # Maps positional 
args to field names
           # Let Pydantic handle aliases and validation
   This doesn't check for when using both positional and keyword args, i.e. 
`NestedField(1, field_id=10)`

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