mkaravel commented on code in PR #10981:

@@ -603,6 +608,10 @@ Notes:
 4. Position delete metadata can use `referenced_data_file` when all deletes 
tracked by the entry are in a single data file. Setting the referenced file is 
required for deletion vectors.
 5. The `content_offset` and `content_size_in_bytes` fields are used to 
reference a specific blob for direct access to a deletion vector. For deletion 
vectors, these values are required and must exactly match the `offset` and 
`length` stored in the Puffin footer for the deletion vector blob.
 6. The following field ids are reserved on `data_file`: 141.
+7. `geometry`, this is a point: X, Y, Z, and M take the min value of all 
component points of all geometries in file. See Appendix D for encoding.
+8. `geography`, this is a point: X = westernmost bound of all geometries in 
file, Y = northernmost bound of all geometries in file, Z is min value for all 
component points of all geometries in the file, M is min value of all component 
points of all geometries in the file. See Appendix D for encoding.

Review Comment:
   I was further thinking about this: for the geographic case, we never 
formally specify that for the extremal values need to be in [-180,180] for 
longitudes and in [-90, 90] for latitudes. Under this restriction the only 
possible way to define the entire space of longitudes is to specify that the 
western most value is -180 and the easternmost 180.
   Maybe it would be good to specify the allowed range for the extremal values 
for the geographic case.

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