szehon-ho commented on PR #10981:

   Update, there was a sync with @jiayuasu @flyrain @dmitrykoval @paleolimbot 
@rdblue and Menelaos, it was decided the following (meeting notes):
   My summary is that we decided to have two types:
   * geometry(crs_id) always uses linear edges but can have a geographic CRS
   * geography(crs_id, algorithm) always uses geodesic edges defined by a 
geographic CRS
   * A geography’s algorithm approximates the edges and must be used 
consistently. A spherical approximation is considered a different algorithm.
   * The crs_id is opaque, but could be srid:<srid> to select a specific SRID, 
or projjson:<property-name> to select a JSON CRS in a table property
   * Neither Parquet nor Iceberg is responsible for providing CRS definitions, 
but may include them for convenience (if they can considering copyright or 
other legal considerations)
   Here are the specific points I think we decided on:
   * Planar/linear edges are always associated with the geometry type. Geometry 
should always use linear edges.
   * Parquet and Iceberg should have a geometry type because users already 
expect the linear behavior
   * Geometry needs to support geographic CRS
   * Geometry needs a CRS parameter, but not an edge parameter
   * Geography never uses linear edges
   * Geography edges are always interpreted as edges on the spheroid defined by 
the geographic CRS (geodesics)
     * An exception here, which is that if the algorithm specified is 
spherical, then we are talking about geodesics (great circle arcs) on a sphere.
   I think it is important to notice (and specify/require) that if the 
algorithm is spherical, then the radius of the underlying sphere is 
assumed/expected to be the mean radius of the spheroid specified by the CRS, 
where the mean radius is always defined as (2 * major_axis_length + 
minor_axis_length) / 3.
   * Geography bounding boxes must include the northmost/southmost points on 
   * Geography edge calculations use a particular algorithm, which may 
introduce either approximation errors (for instance, Vincenty) or may simplify 
the problem and introduce representation errors (i.e. Spherical)
   * The edge calculation algorithm must be a parameter of the geography type 
(i.e. spherical, andoyer, vincenty, etc.)
   * The algorithm is set by what the writer creating the table can produce (vs 
having a default in the format)
   * Writers must not write if they cannot produce bounding boxes using the 
correct algorithm
   * Engines should reject non-geographic CRS for geography columns
   * we decided that coordinates should be limited to [-180, 180] and [-90, 90] 
for geography.
   updating the pr based on the same.

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