ZENOTME commented on code in PR #349:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/pull/349#discussion_r1855708285

@@ -96,6 +109,60 @@ impl<'a> Transaction<'a> {
+    fn generate_unique_snapshot_id(&self) -> i64 {
+        let generate_random_id = || -> i64 {
+            let (lhs, rhs) = Uuid::new_v4().as_u64_pair();
+            let snapshot_id = (lhs ^ rhs) as i64;
+            if snapshot_id < 0 {
+                -snapshot_id
+            } else {
+                snapshot_id
+            }
+        };
+        let mut snapshot_id = generate_random_id();
+        while self
+            .table
+            .metadata()
+            .snapshots()
+            .any(|s| s.snapshot_id() == snapshot_id)
+        {
+            snapshot_id = generate_random_id();
+        }
+        snapshot_id
+    }
+    /// Creates a fast append action.
+    pub fn fast_append(
+        self,
+        commit_uuid: Option<Uuid>,
+        key_metadata: Vec<u8>,
+    ) -> Result<FastAppendAction<'a>> {
+        let parent_snapshot_id = self
+            .table
+            .metadata()
+            .current_snapshot()
+            .map(|s| s.snapshot_id());
+        let snapshot_id = self.generate_unique_snapshot_id();
+        let schema = self.table.metadata().current_schema().as_ref().clone();
+        let schema_id = schema.schema_id();
+        let format_version = self.table.metadata().format_version();
+        let partition_spec = 
+        let commit_uuid = commit_uuid.unwrap_or_else(Uuid::new_v4);

Review Comment:
   Actually, I'm not familiar with this here. Use v4 reference from: 
 cc @Fokko  How do you think?

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