ZENOTME commented on code in PR #349:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/pull/349#discussion_r1854528111

@@ -106,34 +106,38 @@ impl std::fmt::Debug for ManifestListWriter {
 impl ManifestListWriter {
     /// Construct a v1 [`ManifestListWriter`] that writes to a provided 
-    pub fn v1(output_file: OutputFile, snapshot_id: i64, parent_snapshot_id: 
i64) -> Self {
-        let metadata = HashMap::from_iter([
+    pub fn v1(output_file: OutputFile, snapshot_id: i64, parent_snapshot_id: 
Option<i64>) -> Self {
+        let mut metadata = HashMap::from_iter([
             ("snapshot-id".to_string(), snapshot_id.to_string()),
-            (
-                "parent-snapshot-id".to_string(),
-                parent_snapshot_id.to_string(),
-            ),
             ("format-version".to_string(), "1".to_string()),
+        if let Some(parent_snapshot_id) = parent_snapshot_id {
+            metadata.insert(
+                "parent-snapshot-id".to_string(),
+                parent_snapshot_id.to_string(),
+            );
+        }
         Self::new(FormatVersion::V1, output_file, metadata, 0, snapshot_id)
     /// Construct a v2 [`ManifestListWriter`] that writes to a provided 
     pub fn v2(
         output_file: OutputFile,
         snapshot_id: i64,
-        parent_snapshot_id: i64,
+        parent_snapshot_id: Option<i64>,
         sequence_number: i64,
     ) -> Self {
-        let metadata = HashMap::from_iter([
+        let mut metadata = HashMap::from_iter([
             ("snapshot-id".to_string(), snapshot_id.to_string()),
-            (
-                "parent-snapshot-id".to_string(),
-                parent_snapshot_id.to_string(),
-            ),
             ("sequence-number".to_string(), sequence_number.to_string()),
             ("format-version".to_string(), "2".to_string()),
+        if let Some(parent_snapshot_id) = parent_snapshot_id {

Review Comment:
   Good catch! Since the value here in pyiceberg will be `None`. I don't see 
any reference about the metadata of ManifestList in iceberg spec. cc @Fokko 

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