This deliberate decision leads to the point, that the average user (the
one that is meant to have a benefit from this "feature") sits in front
of a blackscreen and does not have any chance to know what could be
wrong, if (as has happened) an update breaks kernel-module-dependencies
or a comparable severe problem apears.

I had more then one user asking me, what could this be and all i could
tell them is: press esc while the crude 3 second GRUB loading - message
appeares and try to boot failsave.

Of course I can hack GRUB and menu.lst - most human beings cannot and it
is absurd, to say: "we change something to please users, that are
absolutely not interested in what their computer is doing how" and then
to say: "hack some root-only configfiles if you dislike that."

In Suse one can hit esc to make the bootmessages appear - in Ubuntu you
can do nothing but to hack (given, the system starts at all).

The decision is wrong, hiding the messages does not help anybody but can lead 
to trouble.
Another point: if a user installs lots of apps without caring too much, he/she 
could easily install a LAMP or an ftp-server that starts by default. Thus there 
would be another linuxbox on the net with an uneeded, unmaintained webserver 
running and how should the user know, that it is started, if he/she is not 
informed at boot.

This is a serious matter, I evangelized for Dapper amongst my friends,
family and my customers but I will not give a single edgy-CD nor
recommend to install edgy to any user, that want to switch from MSWin,
as long as this irrational settings are not changed.

bootsplash fails to show important messages in edgy

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