To zettberlin:

The average user does not care about these messages, I had users who
were irritated about the messages shown, so the removal in standard-
setup is ok. From this point of view the decision is rational. (That
does not mean that I don't understand your worry about not being able
accessing the messages in an transparent and easy way.)

Concerning the black screen - was vesafb enabled? If so, currently there
are issues concerning usplash in connection with vesafb, which causes
that no messages are shown at all because console is unusable in these
configs. A fixed usplash package is on the way.

To zettberlin and Dennis:

Because in this week there were at least 2 other reports about the lack
of the messages, I think it is time to think about a solution, which
would be acceptable for both sides (if not for Edgy, then for Edgy+1).
So either it should be possible to enable the verboose mode by pressing
a key like 'ESC'  (I know, the messages are on vt8 behind usplash, but
it is not that easy to access them like it could and should be), or by
providing an grub-menu-entry by default which e.g. is called "verboose
startup" or "diagnostic startup" beside single-user mode which is indeed
too complex for a beginner.

bootsplash fails to show important messages in edgy

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