To Gert > it should be possible to enable the verboose mode by pressing a key like 'ESC'
this would improve the situation very much :-) (a hint that points to that key should be shown in quietmode also of course) and here something a bit more playfull: > users who were irritated about the messages shown, irrtitation means "hurt" , "itch" , "(small) pain". This leads me to nice little analogy: Most people (including me) feel irritation about mosquitoes. The problem is, taht they sting and that those sting hurts a bit and itches a lot - but what makes us nervous the most is, that they make that very special noise as they fly. So if mosquitoes would have a "quiet"-mode (by developping moth-wings for instance, we would not be alarmed by the noise they make... and learn that there is a (unknown) menace in the bedroom as we feel the itch };-] I some way i prefer to hear them so i can have the illusion, that i can slay them before they sting :-) ;-) -- bootsplash fails to show important messages in edgy -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list