To Gert: > As far as I know, severe errors are shown by usplash
they should, I had the case of a blackscreen with no messages (or anything else) shown before and i (very few) others reported comparable problems too. > ...would care if an unneeded service is running... maybe not, yet any unneeded (much more any unknown) service can be a securityissue and so i really believe, that any user should at least have a chance to know, what is up. Plus: what about *needed* services being skipped? Many people, that do not know much about computers, restart to solve problems, If they are not informed, that their networkdevice is skipped at bootup, they can only pray, that it helps, if the messages are shown, they can call me and tell: "those messages print "skipped" for a thing they call "eth0" - Thus I can help much easier via phone by having a clue, what could be the reason for the broken internetconnection. >Do you want Ubuntu to show up Bluescreens with hexcodes nobody really understands? No point - why should someone switch, if Ubuntu is not *better*. Furthermore, ther is no need to show up only hexcodes. To be informed, what my computer does as it starts was one of the first reasons to make me switch to linux - i felt a lot more respected by people that appeared to think, that i could be intelligent enough to be confronted with what is going on, as my computer starts. To Dennis: > Since Ubuntu was started, people begged for the messages to be removed. Many people beg for things, that are irrational. Deathpenalty, censorship, stop to send money to the third world, abolishement of speedlimits, waste-separation, fuel-taxes - you name it... This is not rethorical: What do you think, is the benefit of having the messages removed for the people, that beg for it? Can you offer a single rational reason, that it is better, to behold a mere prograssbar, that says nothing, while the computer is blocked anyway, becaus it does exactly the stuff, that is shown by the messages? Is not a reasonable notification of the user about what is going on one of the most valued must-haves for usability? What if the people, that begged for removal of the messages ask for removal of progressmessages in browsers, encoders or any other apps, that need more than half a second to compute a task? Do you think, such requests should fulfilled too? To avoid misunderstanding: i am no console-zelot. I like eye-candy and i think, if the "quiet"-nonsense is removed, the new splash is just great and a real advantage. But hiding Information (that BTW nobody is forced to watch anyway) may be look nice for some people, still it does not help anybody. -- bootsplash fails to show important messages in edgy -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list