shatejas commented on PR #13985:

   ### Benchmarks
   #### Setup 1 - Opensearch cluster
   Ran with [opensearch 
   Total data nodes - 3
   Total shards - 6 (2 per node), no replicas
   Memory - 128gb
   vCPU - 16
   Dataset used: cohere-10m
   Baseline - OS 2.18 and lucene 9.12
   Candidate - OS 2.16 and lucene [9.12 with readAdvice 
   **Why was this tested with lucene 9.12?**
   Opensearch is not using lucene >9.12 for any of its version. Upgrading it to 
use lucene 10 requires significant changes. For candidate, required commits 
were cherry-picked
   Run 1: sequence of operations: delete-index -> create-index -> add documents 
-> force-merge -> search
   ##### Results
   |           | Force-merge(ms)   | Force-merge(hrs) | Search p50 | Search p90 
| Search p99 |
   | Baseline  | 15795889.88313920 | 4hrs 23 mins     | 9.6        | 10.8       
| 14.7       |
   | Candidate | 15204143.95724240 | 4hrs 13mins      | 10.7       | 12.0       
| 15.0       |
   Run 2:  Search performed on already indexed data from above run
   |           | Search p50 | Search p90 | Search p99 |
   | Baseline  | 9.7        | 10.6       | 12.1       |
   | Candidate | 10.4       | 11.3       | 12.5       |
   #### Setup 2: Used lucene-utils
   Baseline - Lucene main
   Candidate - Lucene main with current commit
   | recall |  latency (ms)  | nDoc | topK  |  fanout   | maxConn |   beamWidth 
|   quantized  |  index s   | index docs/s  |  force merge s   | num segments  
|  index size (MB) | 
   | 0.644  |       0.428 | 50000 |   10 |     64 |      64  |      250  |      
 no |   18.97  |     2635.18  |         1.89   |          1    |        20.62 |
   | recall |  latency (ms)  | nDoc | topK  |  fanout   | maxConn |   beamWidth 
|   quantized  |  index s   | index docs/s  |  force merge s   | num segments  
|  index size (MB) | 
   |  0.644    |      0.436 |   50000  |   10    |   64   |     64      |   250 
   |      no  |   20.20    |    2474.76    |        1.77  |            1   |    
      20.62 | 
   There is a small affect on search latencies, its hard to say if its due to 
the change or just a fluctuation in the runs. I couldn't think of a reason that 
would of search latencies
   @jpountz @ChrisHegarty thoughts?

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