Fokko commented on code in PR #741:

@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ pub trait FileWriterBuilder<O = DefaultOutput>: Send + 
Clone + 'static {
     /// The associated file writer type.
     type R: FileWriter<O>;
     /// Build file writer.
-    fn build(self) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Self::R>> + Send;
+    fn build(self, schema: SchemaRef) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Self::R>> 
+ Send;

Review Comment:
   I'm a beginner rustacean, but you could still pass the `equality_config` to 
the constructor, right?
   And I agree with @liurenjie1024, I think in general we should think more 
about the high-level API. For example, constructing the writers by yourself can 
be pretty error-prone. Much rather I would see a `Table` object returning a 
fully configured writer based on the current-schema.

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