wgtmac commented on issue #2:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-cpp/issues/2#issuecomment-2521908288

   > I would almost rather not depend on Arrow C++ if possible
   AFAIK, Arrow C++ includes the most complete implementation of Parquet reader 
and writer. In addition, arrow columnar format seems to be the best choice to 
be integrated with other engines. We can 
   @lidavidm Great question!
   > what if I want to use the cuDF parquet reader, or OpenDAL for S3 access?
   We should design a good interface for file reader and writer so we get the 
chance to plugin different parquet implementations. Similarly a good `FileIO` 
abstraction does not block us to choose S3 access from Arrow FileSystem or 
OpenDAL implementation. Perhaps @etseidl and @Xuanwo could chime in for cuDF 
and OpenDAL respectively.

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