wgtmac commented on issue #2:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-cpp/issues/2#issuecomment-2496086676

   Thanks @zeroshade for the detail! 
   The table below is the type mapping between iceberg and arrow. I think we 
can provide a wrapper around arrow data types to use only a subset of them. On 
the read path, the mapping is pretty clear except for 
String/LargeString/Binary/LargeBinary. We can by default use String/Binary 
unless explicitly configured. On the write path, we can simply error out for 
unsupported arrow types. Just want to add that the ongoing iceberg `variant` 
and `geometry` types will not have any issue, parquet-cpp will anyway implement 
them because they are part of the parquet spec. Therefore I don't think there 
is a compelling reason not to use `arrow::DataType` directly.
   | iceberg | arrow |
   | unknown | Null  |
   | boolean | Boolean |
   | int     | Int32  |
   | long    | Int64  |
   | float   | Float32 |
   | double  | Float64 |
   | decimal(P,S) | Decimal(P,S) |
   | date    | Date32 |
   | time    | Time64 |
   | timestamp | Timestamp(MICRO) |
   | timestamptz | Timestamp(MICRO,UTC) |
   | timestamp_ns | Timestamp(NANO) |
   | timestamptz_ns | Timestamp(NANO,UTC) |
   | string  | String/LargeString |
   | uuid    | UUID canonical extension type |
   | fixed(L) | FixedSizeBinary (L) |
   | binary  | Binary/LargeBinary |
   | struct  | Struct |
   | list    | List/LargeList |
   | map     | Map |

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