Fokko commented on issue #2:

   > What about creating yet another `iceberg::Field` to wrap `arrow::DataType` 
with better support of iceberg concepts?
   I think it should then wrap a `arrow: Field`, otherwise we would not be able 
to pass it into a 
 But now the struct returns `arrow:Field`, so then we should create a 
`iceberg::Struct` as well, otherwise we're casting all over the place. My 
biggest concern is that we have code all over the place to coerce the Arrow 
superset into the Iceberg types. To me, the Arrow system mixes both how it is 
encoded (`large_`) and the actual types, while a `Decimal` in Iceberg [should 
be encoded]( 
as a `int32` when `P <= 9`.
   > If we have a clear interface of a FileIO, it shouldn't be too hard to make 
things pluggable.
   That's exactly what I meant, thanks for clarifying :)

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