wgtmac opened a new issue, #2:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-cpp/issues/2

   I'd like to create this very first issue to collect ideas from people who 
have an interest. Below are what's in my mind:
   - Platform: Linux, MacOS, Windows.
   - Compilers: Clang, GCC, MSVC.
   - Build: CMake.
   - C++ standard: C++20
   - Dependencies: [Arrow](https://github.com/apache/arrow), 
[Avro](https://github.com/apache/avro), [ORC](https://github.com/apache/orc), 
[simdjson](https://github.com/simdjson/simdjson), etc.
   - Coding style: Follow what Apache Arrow C++ does: 
   - Features: I'd like to say all. But to be realistic, we need to break down 
work items and define API first. I think at least following categories are 
     - data type and schema (arrow::Schema and its extension type?)
     - metadata object (table, partition spec, manifest, file, etc)
     - data representation: row-wise (Avro record?) and columnar 
     - expression (arrow::Expression?)
     - I/O: (leverage arrow::FileSystem?)
     - reader/writer: a common abstraction over parquet/orc/avro
     - catalog
     - ...

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