pvary commented on code in PR #11513:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11513#discussion_r1841611540

@@ -276,29 +215,25 @@ RewriteDataFilesCommitManager commitManager(long 
startingSnapshotId) {
   private Builder doExecute(
-      RewriteExecutionContext ctx,
-      Stream<RewriteFileGroup> groupStream,
-      RewriteDataFilesCommitManager commitManager) {
+      RewritePlanResult planResult, RewriteDataFilesCommitManager 
commitManager) {
     ExecutorService rewriteService = rewriteService();
     ConcurrentLinkedQueue<RewriteFileGroup> rewrittenGroups = 
     Tasks.Builder<RewriteFileGroup> rewriteTaskBuilder =
-        Tasks.foreach(groupStream)
+        Tasks.foreach(planResult.groups())
-                (fileGroup, exception) -> {
-                  LOG.warn(
-                      "Failure during rewrite process for group {}", 
fileGroup.info(), exception);
-                });
+                (fileGroup, exception) ->
+                    LOG.warn(

Review Comment:
   My mistake. I changed the line in my previous version, and fixed an IntelliJ 
warning too, then reverted my change but not the removal of the curly brackets

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