On Tue, Aug 06, 2013 at 01:56:09PM +0100, Paul Gideon Dann wrote: > ssh -t remote1 "sudo systemctl poweroff && exit" > > Technically I guess it's a race condition, but the command should terminate > and close the SSH session before OpenSSH is shut down, so you shouldn't get > the hang. > > Alternatively, you could try "systemctl start poweroff.target" to see if that > returns quicker. I'm not sure if the poweroff command returns straight away > or waits. Basically, I'm thinking that if you can get the first command to > return quickly, your shell will close nicely before the shutdown kills the > connection.
Thanks to all who suggested solutions. What difference should the '&& exit' make ? The ssh will terminate anyway when poweroff returns. Problem is that by then it's too late. I think the fundamental problem is that you just can't expect 'systemctl poweroff' or whatever variation of it, to return and still have a clean system at that point. So the explicit delay provided by the poweroff.timer unit seems the right solution. And I like it because it doesn't rely on anything undocumented - it just uses systemd's features. Ciao, -- FA A world of exhaustive, reliable metadata would be an utopia. It's also a pipe-dream, founded on self-delusion, nerd hubris and hysterically inflated market opportunities. (Cory Doctorow)