On 08/06/2013 09:01 AM, phanisvara wrote:
> On Monday 05 Aug 2013 18:39:22 Fons Adriaensen wrote:
>> ssh -t remote1 "sudo /sbin/init 0"
>> ssh -t remote2 "sudo /sbin/init 0"
>> etc. This has worked well for years.
>> Recently the machines were upgraded and mow use systemd.
>> I replaced the original commands by
>> ssh -t remote1 "sudo telinit 0"
> i've had problems with clean shutdown since systemd, too, and what's 
> working for me i "shutdown -h now" instead of the systemd commands 
> i've come across. i'm using this on virtual machines only, but don't 
> see why it shouldn't work on real remote boxes as well.
> this doesn't hang the ssh session, or cause any other problems i've 
> seen yet.

Why not poweroff? Anyways, telinit and shutdown are symlinks to
systemctl, so you are actualy using systemd commands :P

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