Hello all, In one installation I manage I have a script that (among other actions) remotely shuts down a number of headless machines.
Until recently these machines used the traditional init scripts, and the commands in the script were ssh -t remote1 "sudo /sbin/init 0" ssh -t remote2 "sudo /sbin/init 0" etc. This has worked well for years. Recently the machines were upgraded and mow use systemd. I replaced the original commands by ssh -t remote1 "sudo telinit 0" etc. This shuts down the first one OK, but then the script hangs. Apparently the ssh connection isn't closed cleanly. I didn't yet try 'systemctl poweroff', but according the man page, 'telinit 0' is equivalent to it. Another one I didn't yet try (just discovered it in the man pages but I don't have access to the installation ATM) is systemctl's --host option, in other words, let systemctl do the ssh. Can this be expected to work ? If not, any other ideas ? TIA for any help or hints. -- FA A world of exhaustive, reliable metadata would be an utopia. It's also a pipe-dream, founded on self-delusion, nerd hubris and hysterically inflated market opportunities. (Cory Doctorow)