On Tue, Aug 06, 2013 at 12:31:20PM +0530, phanisvara wrote: > On Monday 05 Aug 2013 18:39:22 Fons Adriaensen wrote: > > ssh -t remote1 "sudo /sbin/init 0" > > ssh -t remote2 "sudo /sbin/init 0" > > > > etc. This has worked well for years. > > > > Recently the machines were upgraded and mow use systemd. > > I replaced the original commands by > > > > ssh -t remote1 "sudo telinit 0" > > i've had problems with clean shutdown since systemd, too, and what's > working for me i "shutdown -h now" instead of the systemd commands > i've come across. i'm using this on virtual machines only, but don't > see why it shouldn't work on real remote boxes as well. > > this doesn't hang the ssh session, or cause any other problems i've > seen yet.
Tried it, it does hang the ssh session here. Also tried systemctl --host. This makes systemd complain rather clearly about unit files being modified and other havoc. But I found a very systemd-ish solution: On the remote machines I have /etc/systemd/system/poweroff.timer ---- [Unit] Description=Delayed poweroff [Timer] OnActiveSec=5 Unit=poweroff.target ---- and the script does ssh -t remote1 "sudo systemctl start poweroff.timer" As this is the first systemd unit file I wrote it can probably be improved, all suggestions from the experts are welcome. Ciao, -- FA A world of exhaustive, reliable metadata would be an utopia. It's also a pipe-dream, founded on self-delusion, nerd hubris and hysterically inflated market opportunities. (Cory Doctorow)