Exactly the same situation with printer HP Photosmart c3180 connected on
Livebox SAGEM ( printer port 631)

2012/6/5 gilles <973...@bugs.launchpad.net>

> Till,
> gilles@gilles-MS-1613:~$ lpstat -v
> device for TEST: socket://
> I don't have any file name "client.conf" in my PC (search with catfish and
> thunar)
> I only have in etc/cups files named class.conf; cupsd.conf; printers.conf;
> snmp.conf; subscriptions.conf.
> I don't have any IP address for my printer. The printer is connected by
> USB to my router, the IP of my router is all PC have static
> address like to
> gilles@gilles-MS-1613:~$ nmap
> Starting Nmap 5.21 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2012-06-05 08:31 CEST
> Nmap scan report for livebox.home (
> Host is up (0.047s latency).
> Not shown: 994 closed ports
> 23/tcp   open  telnet
> 80/tcp   open  http
> 139/tcp  open  netbios-ssn
> 631/tcp  open  ipp
> 2222/tcp open  unknown
> 9000/tcp open  cslistener
> Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.83 seconds
> I don't see 9100 port (printer busy) but 631 is open
> (cups-ipp-missing-validate-job)...
> I try to print with 9000 port and I have a notification that is OK, print
> queue disappear, but printer don't print the page test.
>  see attachment.
> I try with 2222 port : "Traitement en cours - Connected to printer." but
> after 5 minutes nothing occurs, no print.
> I try with socket and 631 port : "error, problem occurs, print stopped"
> Printer connected in usb to my PC : works perfect.
> Printer connected usb to one PC and configure shared with system-config :
> I can print with another PC (the both PC connected with Ethernet cable to
> my router)
> Printer connected by usb to the router : I can't print with 12.04 but he
> works perfect with 11.04 and 11.10.
> I don't used any firewall in my router or in my PC
> I never configure my printer before and I don't know how to do that, my
> router don't return me any IP address for my printer:
> Configuration de l'équipement :
>        Nom d'équipement :      TEST
>        ID Produit :    03f0 / Photosmart B109a
>        Type :  Périphérique
> Configuration de la connexion de l'équipement :
>        Type d'accès :  USB
>         Statut :       Connecté
> Thanks for your patience...
> ** Attachment added: "Capture d'écran - 05062012 - 08:51:02.png"
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/973270/+attachment/3175909/+files/Capture%20d%27%C3%A9cran%20-%2005062012%20-%2008%3A51%3A02.png
> --
> You received this bug notification because you are subscribed to a
> duplicate bug report (992468).
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/973270
> Title:
>  Printer does not provide REQUIRED job history.
> Status in “cups” package in Ubuntu:
>  Confirmed
> Status in “system-config-printer” package in Ubuntu:
>  Fix Released
> Status in “cups” source package in Precise:
>  Confirmed
> Status in “system-config-printer” source package in Precise:
>  Fix Committed
> Bug description:
>  Trying to print to a Samsung ML-3710ND networked printer, which talks
>  PostScript. I get the following in the error log when trying to print
>  using PostScript:
>  E [04/Apr/2012:11:13:04 +0100] [Job 11] Unable to add document to print
> job.
>  W [04/Apr/2012:11:13:04 +0100] Generic-PostScript: Printer does not
> provide REQUIRED job history.
>  W [04/Apr/2012:11:13:04 +0100] failed to CreateProfile:
> org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id
> 'Generic-PostScript-Gray..' already exists
>  W [04/Apr/2012:11:13:04 +0100] failed to CreateProfile:
> org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id
> 'Generic-PostScript-RGB..' already exists
>  W [04/Apr/2012:11:13:04 +0100] failed to CreateDevice:
> org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:device id
> 'cups-Generic-PostScript' already exists
>  I get much more (but still no printout) in the error log when using PCL6:
>  E [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Job stopped due to filter errors;
> please consult the error_log file for details.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] The following messages were
> recorded from 11:26:56 to 11:26:56
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Adding start banner page "none".
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Adding end banner page "none".
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] File of type
> application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner queued by "dooferlad".
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] hold_until=0
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Queued on
> "Samsung_Samsung_ML-371x_Series" by "dooferlad".
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] job-sheets=none,none
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> argv[0]="Samsung_Samsung_ML-371x_Series"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] argv[1]="13"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] argv[2]="dooferlad"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] argv[3]="Test Page"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] argv[4]="1"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:8f31983e-b978-39d4-50de-d082c3d801f3
> job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1333535216
> time-at-processing=1333535216 AP_D_InputSlot="
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00013-001"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@JT-Linaro-ThinkPad"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.5.2"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] envp[13]="USER=root"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] envp[18]="LANG=en_GB.UTF-8"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/Samsung_Samsung_ML-371x_Series.ppd"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=dnssd://Samsung%20ML-371x%20Series%20(SEC001599916934)._ipp._tcp.local/"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] envp[23]="PRINTER_INFO=Samsung
> Samsung ML-371x Series"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] envp[24]="PRINTER_LOCATION="
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[25]="PRINTER=Samsung_Samsung_ML-371x_Series"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[26]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=none"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> envp[28]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/Samsung_Samsung_ML-371x_Series"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] envp[29]="AUTH_I****"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter
> /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertopdf (PID 5674)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter
> /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 5675)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter
> /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 5676)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Started backend
> /usr/lib/cups/backend/dnssd (PID 5677)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Getting input from file
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] foomatic-rip version
> running...
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Parsing PPD file ...
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Added option ColorSpace
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Added option Resolution
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Added option PageSize
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Added option PrintoutMode
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Added option ImageableArea
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Added option PaperDimension
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Added option InputSlot
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Added option Duplex
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Added option ColorModel
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Added option PrinterResolution
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Added option Font
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Parameter Summary
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] -----------------
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Spooler: cups
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Printer:
> Samsung_Samsung_ML-371x_Series
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Shell: /bin/bash
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] PPD file:
> /etc/cups/ppd/Samsung_Samsung_ML-371x_Series.ppd
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] ATTR file:
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Printer model: Generic PCL 6/PCL
> XL Printer Foomatic/pxlcolor (recommended)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Job title: Test Page
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] File(s) to be printed:
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] <STDIN>
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Ghostscript extra search path
> ('GS_LIB'): /usr/share/cups/fonts
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Printing system options:
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Pondering option
> 'job-uuid=urn:uuid:8f31983e-b978-39d4-50de-d082c3d801f3'
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Unknown option
> job-uuid=urn:uuid:8f31983e-b978-39d4-50de-d082c3d801f3.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Pondering option
> 'job-originating-host-name=localhost'
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Unknown option
> job-originating-host-name=localhost.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Pondering option
> 'time-at-creation=1333535216'
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Unknown option
> time-at-creation=1333535216.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Pondering option
> 'time-at-processing=1333535216'
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Unknown option
> time-at-processing=1333535216.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Pondering option 'AP_D_InputSlot'
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Unknown boolean option
> "AP_D_InputSlot".
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Options from the PPD file:
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> ================================================
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] File: <STDIN>
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> ================================================
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Resolving "Samsung ML-371x Series
> (SEC001599916934)._ipp._tcp.local"...
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: +connecting-to-device
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Resolving "Samsung ML-371x Series
> (SEC001599916934)", regtype="_ipp._tcp", domain="local."...
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Resolved as "ipp://
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE:
> -connecting-to-device,offline-report
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Executing backend
> "/usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp"...
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Sending stdin for job...
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(),
> s="+connecting-to-device")
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] op='+', new_reasons=1,
> state_reasons=1
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: +connecting-to-device
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Looking up ""...
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Filetype: PDF
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Storing temporary files in
> /var/spool/cups/tmp
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] hrDeviceDesc="Samsung ML-371x
> Series"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] prtMarkerColorantValue.1.1 =
> "Black"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] ATTR:
> marker-colors=#000000,none,none,none
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] ATTR: marker-names="Black Toner
> Cartridge S/N:CRUM-11100735596","Fuser ","Tray 1 Roller ","Tray 1 Torque
> Limiter "
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] ATTR:
> marker-types=toner,fuser,other,other
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] ATTR: marker-levels=99,99,99,99
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] new_supply_state=0,
> change_state=ffff
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -developer-low-report
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -developer-empty-warning
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -marker-supply-low-report
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE:
> -marker-supply-empty-warning
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -opc-near-eol-report
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -opc-life-over-warning
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -toner-low-report
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -toner-empty-warning
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE:
> -waste-receptacle-full-warning
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -cleaner-life-over-warning
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] new_state=400, change_state=ffff
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -media-low-report
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -media-empty-warning
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -door-open-report
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: +media-jam-warning
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -input-tray-missing-warning
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE:
> -output-tray-missing-warning
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE:
> -marker-supply-missing-warning
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE:
> -output-area-almost-full-report
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -output-area-full-warning
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] backendWaitLoop(snmp_fd=6,
> addr=0x7fabfd97ae58, side_cb=0x7fabfbdd1d50)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] File contains 2 pages
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Starting renderer with command:
> -sDEVICE=pxlmono -r600x600 -dDuplex -dMediaPosition=0
> /var/spool/cups/tmp/foomatic-hNvDyz
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Starting process "kid3"
> (generation 1)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Starting process "kid4"
> (generation 2)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Starting process "renderer"
> (generation 2)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] JCL:  %-12345X@PJL
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] <job data>
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Connecting to
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Connecting to printer.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Set job-printer-state-message to
> "Connecting to printer.", current level=INFO
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(),
> s="-cups-certificate-error")
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] op='-', new_reasons=1,
> state_reasons=2
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(),
> s="-connecting-to-device")
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] op='-', new_reasons=1,
> state_reasons=2
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -connecting-to-device
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Connected to printer.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Set job-printer-state-message to
> "Connected to printer.", current level=INFO
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Connected to
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Getting supported attributes...
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes:
> server-error-version-not-supported (server-error-version-not-supported)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes returned
> server-error-version-not-supported.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Printer does not support IPP/2.0,
> trying IPP/1.1.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Set job-printer-state-message to
> "Printer does not support IPP/2.0, trying IPP/1.1.", current level=INFO
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Getting supported attributes...
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes:
> successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes
> (successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] copies-supported=1-999
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] document-format-supported (5
> values)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] [0] = "application/octet-stream"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] [1] = "application/postscript"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] [2] = "application/x-Epson"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] [3] = "text/plain"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] [4] = "application/vnd.hp-PCL"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Idle. Printer is ready to print.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Set job-printer-state-message to
> "Idle. Printer is ready to print.", current level=INFO
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none),
> s="(null)")
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0,
> state_reasons=1
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -none
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> final_content_type="printer/Samsung_Samsung_ML-371x_Series",
> document_format="application/octet-stream"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Validate-Job IPP/1.1
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] printer-uri="ipp://
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] requesting-user-name="dooferlad"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] job-name="Test Page"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> document-format="application/octet-stream"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Validate-Job: successful-ok
> (successful-ok)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Create-Job IPP/1.1
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] printer-uri="ipp://
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] requesting-user-name="dooferlad"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] job-name="Test Page"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> document-format="application/octet-stream"
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Idle. Printer is ready to print.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none),
> s="(null)")
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0,
> state_reasons=0
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes:
> successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes
> (successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Create-Job:
> successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes
> (successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Print file accepted - job ID 6.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Set job-printer-state-message to
> "Print file accepted - job ID 6.", current level=INFO
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] job-id=6
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Sending file 1 using chunking...
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Jobs: successful-ok
> (successful-ok)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Send-Document:
> client-error-not-found (client-error-not-found)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Set job-printer-state-message to
> "Unable to add document to print job.", current level=ERROR
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Waiting for job to complete.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(),
> s="+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-job-history")
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] op='+', new_reasons=2,
> state_reasons=0
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] STATE:
> +cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-job-history
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Idle. Printer is ready to print.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none),
> s="(null)")
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0,
> state_reasons=2
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes:
> successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes
> (successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] ATTR: auth-info-required=none
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Ready to print.
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] renderer received signal 13
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] Kid3 exit status: 1
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] End of messages
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state=3(idle)
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state-message="Ready to
> print."
>  D [04/Apr/2012:11:26:56 +0100] [Job 13]
> printer-state-reasons=media-jam-warning,cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-job-history
>  E [04/Apr/2012:11:26:58 +0100] Unable to encrypt connection from
> localhost - A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.
>  E [04/Apr/2012:11:26:58 +0100] Unable to encrypt connection from
> localhost - A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.
>  E [04/Apr/2012:11:26:58 +0100] Unable to encrypt connection from
> localhost - A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.
> To manage notifications about this bug go to:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/973270/+subscriptions

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  Printer does not provide REQUIRED job history.

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