[Bug 160868] OpenOffice constantly crashes

2007-11-07 Thread mommedia.com
Public bug reported: OpenOffice constantly crashes the system and it not functional with this 7.10 Ubuntu version. ** Affects: ubuntu Importance: Undecided Status: New -- OpenOffice constantly crashes https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/160868 You received this bug notification becaus

[Bug 160867] kernel: error=[82005.655014] psmouse.c:

2007-11-07 Thread mommedia.com
Public bug reported: kernel: [82005.655014] psmouse.c: bad data from KBC - timeout-- then it freezes the system constantly. ** Affects: ubuntu Importance: Undecided Status: New -- kernel: error=[82005.655014] psmouse.c: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/160867 You received this bug

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-05-15 Thread mommedia.com
Hallo, tut jedes wissen, wie die spätesten Nachrichten von Mitgliedstaat; beeinflußt die OpenSource Gemeinschaft und die Zukunft von Ubuntu? „, indem die Herstellung eines Paktes mit Novell, Microsoft, andeutete auch h, daß jedermann, das Linux von einem anderen Verkäufer herunterlud oder kaufte,

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-05-15 Thread mommedia.com
Olá! todos, faz qualquer um sabem, como a notícia a mais atrasada do MS; afetará a comunidade de OpenSource e o futuro de Ubuntu? “Fazendo um pacto com Novell, Microsoft igualmente implicou que qualquer um que transferiu ou comprou o linux de um outro vendedor estava fazendo tão ilegal” Pode ess

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-05-15 Thread mommedia.com
Bonjour, fait quiconque connaissent, comment les dernières nouvelles de la milliseconde; affectera la Communauté d'OpenSource et le futur d'Ubuntu ? « En faisant un pacte avec Novell, Microsoft a également impliqué que n'importe qui qui a téléchargé ou a acheté le Linux d'un autre fournisseur fai

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-05-15 Thread mommedia.com
Hola a todos, Ultimas en noticias del MS; ¿afectará a la comunidad de OpenSource y al futuro de Ubuntu? “Haciendo un pacto con Novell, Microsoft también implicó que cualquier persona que transfirió o compró linux de otro vendedor hacía tan ilegal” Mi pregunta=¿Puede esa entidad corrupta inte

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-05-15 Thread mommedia.com
Hello everyone, does anybody know, how the latest news from MS; will affect the OpenSource Community and the future of Ubuntu? “By making a pact with Novell, Microsoft also implied that anyone who downloaded or bought Linux from another vendor was doing so illegally” Can that corrupt entity actu

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-04-23 Thread mommedia.com
Wow! the speed and the look of the new Ubuntu 7.04 is nice. But there is something wrong with the Wireless Network Adapter Drivers, it does not authenticate the connection. I get an error about Atheros being/using an incomparable driver. However, after long hours of configuration and figuring ou

RE: [Bug 55805] Re: cursor & bug freezing up system!!!

2007-04-18 Thread mommedia.com
Yes, I think it has been fixed. -- mommSetting package to linux-source-2.6.15, so this bug gets out of the list of mommbugs without a package. mommCan you confirm this bug still happens in edgy/fei

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-28 Thread mommedia.com
Dear Conrad Knauer, This is regarding your reply to my previous comments and to proof to you, that this is not a BUG! “How is it a choice when people can't easily buy a prebuilt system locally without an OS or with a free OS preinstalled? ("Observe that a majority of PCs for sale have non-free so

[Bug 95791] Re: Browser security

2007-03-25 Thread mommedia.com
"Please open a new bug with details on what your specific problem is. THis bug report just contains claims. Rejecting" This is exactly what I do not understand about the Ubuntu support, you guys always give out this type of reply. You are not giving out enough information or so and so, you can no

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-25 Thread mommedia.com
I am using linux/Ubuntu. I have also run the antivirus and nothing comes up. I am hoping that is exactly what you have describe. Thank you, AG -- Microsoft has a majority market share https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.co

[Bug 95791] Browser security

2007-03-24 Thread mommedia.com
Public bug reported: Hello, I am presently using Firefox/ and the security issue is very serious and far from fixed. The browser keeps changing the setting on its own, to remember, passwords and all the crucial information an EU has entered on forms. I have received false e-mails about

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-24 Thread mommedia.com
Hello, I have no idea what you are talking about, I am presently using Firefox/ and this security issue is very serious and far from fixed. The browser keeps changing the setting on its own, to remember, passwords and all the crucial information an EU has entered on forms. I have recei

[Bug 83888] PCI wireless card!

2007-03-23 Thread mommedia.com
This is one of the strangest things happening with Ubuntu systems: I have installed a wireless card=(Belkin F5D7000) on a desktop system, the card and drivers are present. The unit is running without further issues and the drivers were available automatically, no pain! I have Built another Ubunt

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-21 Thread mommedia.com
Por favor, esto no es un insecto, esto es una opción y la gente tiene la opción a continuar utilizando a MS o no. No culpo a la mayoría de los consumidores, no desearía tener que ocuparme de los conductores y de otras ediciones después de pagar tanto por una PC. Y apenas sucede que el MS proporcion

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-21 Thread mommedia.com
Please, this is not a bug, this is a choice and people have the choice to continue to use MS or not. I do not blame most consumers, I would not want to have to deal with drivers and other issues after paying so much for a PC. And it just happens that MS does provide that... If I am paying I would

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-21 Thread mommedia.com
Por favor, esto no es un insecto/bicho, esto es una opción y la gente tiene la opción a continuar utilizando a MS o no. No culpo a la mayoría de los consumidores, no desearía tener que ocuparme de los conductores y de otras ediciones después de pagar tanto una PC. Y apenas sucede que el MS proporci

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-21 Thread mommedia.com
Пожалуйста, это не будет черепашка, это будет выбор и люди имеют выбор, котор нужно продолжать использовать ГОСПОЖУ или не. Я не обвиняю большинств едоков, я не хотел бы общаться с водителями и другими вопросами после оплачивать so much для PC. И он как раз случается что ГОСПОЖА обеспечивает то...

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-21 Thread mommedia.com
Por favor, este não é um erro, esta é uma escolha e os povos têm a escolha a continuar a usar o MS ou não. Eu não responsabilizo a maioria de consumidores, eu não quereria ter que tratar dos excitadores e das outras edições após ter pagado assim muito por um PC. E acontece apenas que o MS fornece a

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-21 Thread mommedia.com
, 이것은 벌레가 아니다, 이것은 선택 이고 사람은Ms을 사용하기 위하여 계속할 것이다 선택이 또는 아니다 있는다. 나는 가장 큰 소비자를 비난하지 않는다, 나는 순전히PC을 위해 지불다음에 운전사 그리고 다른 문제점을 다루어야 하고 싶지 않을텐데. 그리고Ms이 저것을... 제공한다 고 그것은 다만 일어난다 나가 지불하면 나는 상자에서 기능적 이고Ms이 배달하는 무언가를 선택할텐데. 나가 몇몇 안전 난센스 문제를 위해 다른 10개의 신청을 달리기를 다루지 않기것을에 선택하기 때문에, 나를 위해, 나는 운전사와 다른 문제점을 오히려

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-21 Thread mommedia.com
、これは虫でない、これは選択であり、人々に氏を使用し続ける選択がまたはないある。私はほとんどの消費者の責任にしない、私はPC のそんなに支払をすることの後の運転者そして他の問題を取扱わなければなりたいと思う。そしてそれはちょうど氏がそれを... 提供すること起こる支払えば私は箱から機能であり、氏が渡す何かを選ぶ。私のために、私は運転者及び他の問題をむしろ取扱い、それは私がある保証ナンセンス問題のための他の10 の適用を動かすことを取扱わないことをに選ぶので、私の選択である。私がそれらの適用を動かす終わりであるまでにその同じ理由のためのその結果それ、私はそれの取得心配にコンピュータをつけること

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-21 Thread mommedia.com
Prego, questo non è un insetto, questa è una scelta e la gente ha la scelta da continuare ad usare la MS oppure no. Non incolpo della maggior parte dei consumatori, non desidererei dovere occuparsi dei driver e di altre edizioni dopo il pagamento così tanto un pc. Ed accade appena che la MS assicur

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-21 Thread mommedia.com
Παρακαλώ, αυτό δεν είναι ένα ζωύφιο, αυτό είναι μια επιλογή και οι άνθρωποι έχουν την επιλογή για να συνεχίσουν να χρησιμοποιούν τα κράτη μέλη ή όχι. Δεν κατηγορώ τους περισσότερους καταναλωτές, δεν θα ήθελα να πρέπει να εξετάσω τους οδηγούς και άλλα ζητήματα μετά από να πληρώσω τόσο μεγάλο μέρος γ

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-21 Thread mommedia.com
Bitte ist dieses nicht eine Wanze, ist dieses eine Wahl und Leute haben die Wahl, zum fortzufahren, MS zu verwenden oder nicht. Ich tadele nicht die meisten Verbraucher, würde ich nicht Treiber und andere Ausgaben beschäftigen müssen wollen, nachdem ich soviel für einen PC gezahlt hatte. Und er ges

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-03-21 Thread mommedia.com
Svp, ce n'est pas un bogue, c'est un choix et les gens ont le choix à continuer à employer la MME. ou pas. Je ne blâme pas la plupart des consommateurs, je ne voudrais pas devoir traiter des conducteurs et d'autres issues après avoir payé tellement un PC. Et il se produit juste que la MME. fournit

[Bug 84033] Re: PC crashes as I reach an internet site

2007-03-09 Thread mommedia.com
The sites where just about all the mainstream sites like: Google, aol, yahoo and mainly sites with with heavy background codes and scripts. Not so much to include sites with plain HTML codes. -- PC crashes as I reach an internet site https://launchpad.net/bugs/84033 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 84033] Re: PC crashes as I reach an internet site

2007-03-09 Thread mommedia.com
I was using firefox 1.5.0, epiphany and Mozilla Web B. However, the problem has been minimized by the most recent updates. -- PC crashes as I reach an internet site https://launchpad.net/bugs/84033 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listin

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2007-02-12 Thread mommedia.com
** Description changed: Microsoft has a majority market share in the new desktop PC marketplace. - This is a bug, which Ubuntu is designed to fix. + This is a bug, which Ubuntu is designed to fix.==> Start by + resolving this: + + 1-"Ubuntu - cannot use my HP PSC multifunction printer" (Plu

[Bug 84033] Re: PC crashes as I reach an internet site

2007-02-08 Thread mommedia.com
Yes it's from previous report, however, it has nothing to do with video cards. The site that I visit is able to activate vicious codes through out the files being provided to its users. I just need to prove it and have the correct evidence to proceed with a further actions. ** Description change

[Bug 84033] Re: PC crashes as I reach an internet site

2007-02-08 Thread mommedia.com
** Attachment added: "will not update" http://librarian.launchpad.net/6349820/Screenshot.jpg ** Description changed: Onforce.com

[Bug 84033] PC crashes as I reach an internet site

2007-02-08 Thread mommedia.com
Public bug reported: Onforce.com

[Bug 83888] Re: internet sites

2007-02-07 Thread mommedia.com
** Attachment added: "empty" http://librarian.launchpad.net/6344749/dmesg.log -- internet sites https://launchpad.net/bugs/83888 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs

[Bug 83888] Re: internet sites

2007-02-07 Thread mommedia.com
** Attachment added: "dmesg.log-not-empty" http://librarian.launchpad.net/6344755/dmesg.log -- internet sites https://launchpad.net/bugs/83888 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs

[Bug 83888] Re: internet sites

2007-02-07 Thread mommedia.com
** Attachment added: "lspci-vvn.log" http://librarian.launchpad.net/6344753/lspci-vvn.log ** Description changed: This problem is occurring more frequently now, is there a way to have this stop from happening? Websites that are constantly freezing up the PC. Once the PC is frozen there

[Bug 83888] Re: internet sites

2007-02-07 Thread mommedia.com
** Attachment added: "registry" http://librarian.launchpad.net/6344746/registry -- internet sites https://launchpad.net/bugs/83888 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs

[Bug 83888] Re: internet sites

2007-02-07 Thread mommedia.com
This is what I have for those commands! ** Attachment added: "report" http://librarian.launchpad.net/6344745/lspci-vv.log -- internet sites https://launchpad.net/bugs/83888 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs

[Bug 61501] Re: Internet

2007-02-07 Thread mommedia.com
This problem is occurring more frequently now, is there a way to have this stop from happening? "Websites that are constantly freezing up the PC". Once the PC is frozen there is no way to take back control of the PC, all peripherals go completely dead. The only way to get out of it, is to shut

[Bug 83888] internet sites

2007-02-07 Thread mommedia.com
Public bug reported: This problem is occurring more frequently now, is there a way to have this stop from happening? Websites that are constantly freezing up the PC. Once the PC is frozen there is no way to take back control of the PC, all peripherals go completely dead. The only way to get out

[Bug 55469] Re: GNOME Panel BUG

2007-01-30 Thread mommedia.com
** Description changed: - I having an issue with {The GNOME Panel 2.14.3} on the Ubuntu OS, it is - always moving around as the browser is open. Is there a way to lock it - and prevent this from happening? + I am having an issue with {The GNOME Panel 2.14.3} on the Ubuntu OS, it + is always movin

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2006-12-12 Thread mommedia.com
こんにちは2006-11-20 18:58のomotiから: 02 UTC こんにちは 私は私がこのサービス に公正なregistereddを有する私は熱い この場所を使用するために理解 できない日本からある。 私のプロジェクトは私が 日本語CGIのゲームを有し、 英語にこのプロダクトを翻訳したいと思うこと である。 だれでもこの場所を使用する方法を私に教えることができるか。 ありがとう。 こんにちはOmoti、 私はこの情報があなたにまだ有用であることを望む。 簡単、 all theページをあなたの言語

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2006-12-08 Thread mommedia.com
Your note key is China, get it! -- Microsoft has a majority market share https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2006-12-08 Thread mommedia.com
Microsoft has a majority market share because MS provides drivers for almost all the existing devices, specially printers. With Linux/Ubuntu the printer drivers do not work; so how can you expect EUs to adapt to something that it's not fully functional? People will always have to depend on the mo

[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

2006-12-08 Thread mommedia.com
Microsoft has a majority market share because MS provides drivers for almost all the existing devices, specially printers. With Linux/Ubuntu the printer drivers do not work; so how can you expect EUs to adapt to something that it's not fully functional? People will always have to depend on the mo

[Bug 61501] Re: Internet

2006-12-08 Thread mommedia.com
** Description changed: There are some websites that are constantly freezing up the PC, it's happening with Firefox and epiphany browsers. I do not think it is the browser, but rather some scripts or maybe an on line security issue. Once the PC is frozen there is no way to take back contr

[Bug 55805] Re: cursor

2006-10-26 Thread mommedia.com
I do not think it's the video card as stipulated, I have strong feeling that there bugs in the system and that some on line site write malicious codes. Many times the system is constantly freezing up during the process of using some on line platforms. Question; when that happens, how I do i regain

[Bug 55805] Bug freezing PC System

2006-10-26 Thread mommedia.com
I do not think it's the video card as indicated, I have strong feeling that there bugs in the system and that some on line site write malicious codes. Many times the system is constantly freezing up during the process of using some on line platforms. Question; when that happens, how I do i regain c

[Bug 55805] Bug freezing up system!!!

2006-10-26 Thread mommedia.com
I do not think it's the video card as indicated, I have a strong feeling that there are bugs in the system and that some on line sites write malicious codes. Many times the system is constantly freezing up during the process of using some on line platforms. Question; when that happens, how I do i r

RE: [Bug 57153] xorg-server 1:1.1.1-0ubuntu12 "no screens found"

2006-10-26 Thread mommedia.com
I do not think it's the video card as stipulated, I have strong feeling that there bugs in the system and that some on line site write malicious codes. Many times the system is constantly freezing up during the process of using some on line platforms. Question; when that happens, how I do i regain

RE: [Bug 57153] xorg-server 1:1.1.1-0ubuntu12 "no screens found"

2006-10-26 Thread mommedia.com
I do not think it's the video card as stipulated, I have strong feeling that there bugs in the system and that some on line site write malicious codes. Many times the system is constantly freezing up during the process of using some on line platforms. Question; when that happens, how I do i regain

[Bug 67467] Re: OS keeps logging me out

2006-10-22 Thread mommedia.com
Your possible solutions are incorrect, the system has come back up after 10 attempts. I am using a desktop with a RADION video card. The same problem has happened to someone else, and it has been confirmed that the system is doing this at random. This is what happened; the user ID text and passw

[Bug 67467] Re: OS keeps logging me out

2006-10-21 Thread mommedia.com
There are no files nothing has changed, I have not done anything different from a normal login. -- OS keeps logging me out https://launchpad.net/bugs/67467 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs

[Bug 67467] Re: OS keeps logging me out

2006-10-21 Thread mommedia.com
Yes, the log in text re-appears to log in again, in a loop. -- OS keeps logging me out https://launchpad.net/bugs/67467 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs

[Bug 55805] Re: cursor

2006-10-21 Thread mommedia.com
I am having problems with my OS. I logged into the system from a proper shutdown, i entered the correct user id and password, then the desktop appears on the screen briefly, but then it goes off. This keeps happening and it won't let me use the system, the monitor goes off to prompt me back again

[Bug 67467] OS keeps logging me out

2006-10-21 Thread mommedia.com
Public bug reported: I am having problems with my OS. I logged into the system from a proper shutdown, i entered the correct user id and password, then the desktop appears on the screen briefly, but then it goes off. This keeps happening and it won't let me use the system, the monitor goes off to

[Bug 64463] Re: does NOT start X with pci-e Radeon X850XT

2006-10-07 Thread mommedia.com
>From the option menu select set up the OS from TEXT mode. Then follow the directions and let the setup process decide the partition, do not try to use advance set up or try to allocate the partition yourself. I hope this can help, ;-) -- does NOT start X with pci-e Radeon X850XT https://launch

[Bug 61501] Re: Internet

2006-09-22 Thread mommedia.com
onforce.com banks Also when a page is selected for bookmark, it duplicates the requests and bookmark the pages twice. The program GIMP is also malfunctioning, it changes the settings of the tools on its own and it won't let me use a section of the file. This happens when I need to use the crop

[Bug 57153] Re: xorg-server 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu10.3 breaks X: "no screens found"

2006-09-07 Thread mommedia.com
** Description changed: xorg-server-core 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu10.3 included a fix for a PCI support bug which inadvertently caused the X server to fail to start for some users. If you have been affected by this problem, please read the following page: http://www.ubuntu.com/FixForUpgradeIss

[Bug 55805] Re: cursor

2006-08-26 Thread mommedia.com
Thank you UBUNTU is the way! -- cursor https://launchpad.net/bugs/55805 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs

[Bug 55805] Re: cursor

2006-08-26 Thread mommedia.com
The recent update fix for: xserver-xorg-core is working! Thank you... Also, is the issue with totem ever going to be resolved? Please see the attached picture file for more details; it does not play Movies or videos of any file extensions! Can you please, offer us an alternative way to donate to

[Bug 55805] Re: cursor

2006-08-26 Thread mommedia.com
** Description changed: Writing or using the cursor to select a specific area on the browser or openoffice is malfuctioning. For example: I want to use the cursor for a specific section on writer, and it's difficult, it selects the entire section, but not the exact area where I need to pl

[Bug 57370] xserver-xorg-core

2006-08-22 Thread mommedia.com
Public bug reported: (Xserver-Xorg-core) most recent update is crashing the system completely. The update system needs to be re-designed for the EU to better choose the updates from the list. There should be a way to permanently opt out on those questionable updates. ** Affects: Ubuntu Imp

[Bug 55805] Re: cursor

2006-08-16 Thread mommedia.com
The PC is now freezing as go to some on line sites. It does not respond at all, and the only way to get out of it, is to do an improper shutdown. I have also noticed that if I have open the image editor GIMP and try to work on OpenOffice, it crashes OpenOffice and keeps retrieving the crash file

[Bug 55805] Re: cursor

2006-08-16 Thread mommedia.com
The PC is now freezing as I go to some online sites. It does not respond at all, and the only way to get out of it, is to do an improper shutdown. I have also noticed that if I have open the image editor GIMP and try to work on OpenOffice, it crashes OpenOffice and keeps retrieving the crash file o

[Bug 55805] cursor

2006-08-09 Thread mommedia.com
Public bug reported: Writing or using the cursor to select a specific area on the browser or openoffice is malfuctioning. For example; I want to use the cursor for a specific section on writer, it's difficult it selects the entire section but not the exact area where I need to place the cursor.

[Bug 55469] Re: GNOME Panel BUG

2006-08-07 Thread mommedia.com
Some times it happens as the PC has just been turn on and I click on the globe to go to the the Internet, the globe that appear on task bar. The issue happens intermediately it's not all time, that the task bar moves to the top or the sides by itself without me click on it. -- GNOME Panel BUG ht

[Bug 55469] Re: GNOME Panel BUG

2006-08-07 Thread mommedia.com
I having an issue with {The GNOME Panel 2.14.3} on the Ubuntu OS, it is always moving around as the browser is open. Is there a way to lock it and prevent this from happening? See the picture file for details please! -- GNOME Panel BUG https://launchpad.net/bugs/55469 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing li