[jira] Closed: (MWAR-35) War packaging fails with long file names

2006-06-26 Thread Brett Porter (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-35?page=all ] Brett Porter closed MWAR-35: Assign To: Brett Porter Resolution: Fixed I've canonicalised the source file, which is about all I can do for the situation. It should be noted that the reporter wa

[jira] Closed: (MWAR-47) Regression : Files not copied when overlaying wars

2006-06-26 Thread Brett Porter (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-47?page=all ] Brett Porter closed MWAR-47: Resolution: Fixed > Regression : Files not copied when overlaying wars > -- > > Key: MWAR-47 > URL: http:

[jira] Updated: (MWAR-47) Regression : Files not copied when overlaying wars

2006-06-26 Thread Brett Porter (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-47?page=all ] Brett Porter updated MWAR-47: - Assign To: Brett Porter Remaining Estimate: 30 minutes Original Estimate: 30 minutes > Regression : Files not copied when overlaying wars >

[jira] Closed: (MWAR-52) WAR plugin does not honor the webXml configuration setting [patch included!]

2006-06-26 Thread Brett Porter (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-52?page=all ] Brett Porter closed MWAR-52: Assign To: Brett Porter Resolution: Cannot Reproduce the code is correct. the custom web.xml is copied to WEB-INF/web.xml in the exploded webapp, which is what the c

[jira] Updated: (MWAR-52) WAR plugin does not honor the webXml configuration setting [patch included!]

2006-06-26 Thread Brett Porter (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-52?page=all ] Brett Porter updated MWAR-52: - Remaining Estimate: 15 minutes Original Estimate: 15 minutes > WAR plugin does not honor the webXml configuration setting [patch included!] > ---

[jira] Closed: (MNGECLIPSE-142) Support for Callisto release version of Eclipse and WTP

2006-06-26 Thread Eugene Kuleshov (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNGECLIPSE-142?page=all ] Eugene Kuleshov closed MNGECLIPSE-142: -- Resolution: Won't Fix Never been the case and never require WTP and have no explicit support for it. Though there are couple jiras opened for b

[jira] Commented: (MASSEMBLY-54) Unable to filter files while creating assembly

2006-06-26 Thread Corridor Software Developer (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MASSEMBLY-54?page=comments#action_68299 ] Corridor Software Developer commented on MASSEMBLY-54: -- Fabulous. Thanks for the clarification. > Unable to filter files while creating assembly > --

[jira] Commented: (MSITE-138) site:stage does not create xref

2006-06-26 Thread Wouter Zoons (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSITE-138?page=comments#action_68297 ] Wouter Zoons commented on MSITE-138: this happens with all reports I've used so far: javadoc, jxr, cobertura etc.. at first glance the output directory URL property is properly set

[jira] Commented: (MJAVADOC-79) Review plugin documentation

2006-06-26 Thread Maria Odea Ching (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MJAVADOC-79?page=comments#action_68296 ] Maria Odea Ching commented on MJAVADOC-79: -- Thanks :) Will apply the comments above.. > Review plugin documentation > --- > > Key: MJAVADOC-

[jira] Commented: (MPLUGIN-7) Reformat the autogenerated goal parameters page to improve readibility.

2006-06-26 Thread Edwin Punzalan (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPLUGIN-7?page=comments#action_68295 ] Edwin Punzalan commented on MPLUGIN-7: -- Those pages are alright... but I was thinking of something similar to javadoc's Field Summary/Field Details section. But if the plugin have

[jira] Closed: (MAVEN-1750) Can't use two times a multiprojects in 2 differents goals

2006-06-26 Thread Arnaud Heritier (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVEN-1750?page=all ] Arnaud Heritier closed MAVEN-1750: -- Assign To: Arnaud Heritier Resolution: Cannot Reproduce Neither do I. I can't reproduce it. > Can't use two times a multiprojects in 2 differents goal

[jira] Commented: (MNGECLIPSE-142) Support for Callisto release version of Eclipse and WTP

2006-06-26 Thread Mauritz Lovgren (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNGECLIPSE-142?page=comments#action_68286 ] Mauritz Lovgren commented on MNGECLIPSE-142: I hope so. Isn't this the http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org Maven2 Eclipse Plugin developed by Mergere? Last time I checked,

[jira] Commented: (MSUREFIRE-134) Surefire finds test classes but ignores test methods and configuration methods with TestNG and includes tag

2006-06-26 Thread Paul Russell (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSUREFIRE-134?page=comments#action_68285 ] Paul Russell commented on MSUREFIRE-134: Chaps, to clarify, my comment above is incorrect. The workaround 'works' for me because I happen to be following JUnit style naming

[jira] Commented: (MNG-2301) Maven Archiver deleteing already existing pom.properties file.

2006-06-26 Thread Sharmarke Aden (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2301?page=comments#action_68282 ] Sharmarke Aden commented on MNG-2301: - The rational behind not deleting the pom.properties files are: 1) Implicitly deleting a file explicitly created by the user is bad policy. 2)

[jira] Created: (MNGECLIPSE-146) Less aggressive source attatchment resolution

2006-06-26 Thread Adam Lewis (JIRA)
Less aggressive source attatchment resolution - Key: MNGECLIPSE-146 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNGECLIPSE-146 Project: Maven 2.x Extension for Eclipse Type: Improvement Components: Dependency Resolver Ver

[jira] Updated: (MPLUGIN-7) Reformat the autogenerated goal parameters page to improve readibility.

2006-06-26 Thread Herv? BOUTEMY (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPLUGIN-7?page=all ] Hervé BOUTEMY updated MPLUGIN-7: Attachment: xmlbeans-mojo2.html xmlbeans-mojo1.html > Reformat the autogenerated goal parameters page to improve readibility. > --

[jira] Commented: (MDEP-25) Option to copy artifact also, along with its deps on (copy/unpack)-dependencies goals

2006-06-26 Thread Dan Tran (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEP-25?page=comments#action_68254 ] Dan Tran commented on MDEP-25: -- you should use assembly:directory instead > Option to copy artifact also, along with its deps on > (copy/unpack)-dependencies goals > ---

[jira] Created: (MSITE-152) NPE in plugin site when a mojo has no configuration injection

2006-06-26 Thread Dan Tran (JIRA)
NPE in plugin site when a mojo has no configuration injection - Key: MSITE-152 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSITE-152 Project: Maven 2.x Site Plugin Type: Bug Versions: 2.0-beta-5 Environme

[jira] Commented: (SUREFIRE-31) support junit 4.0

2006-06-26 Thread Brill Pappin (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-31?page=comments#action_68240 ] Brill Pappin commented on SUREFIRE-31: -- I'm needing this ASAP... I've got about 4000 junit 4 tests to automate. Is there anything I can do to speed this along or is there beta co

[jira] Created: (MNG-2407) New user docs: proxy configuration is not clear to new users

2006-06-26 Thread Graham Leggett (JIRA)
New user docs: proxy configuration is not clear to new users Key: MNG-2407 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2407 Project: Maven 2 Type: Bug Components: Documentation: Guides Versions: 2.0.4

[jira] Commented: (MNG-1797) Dependency excludes apply to every subsequent dependency, not just the one it is declared under.

2006-06-26 Thread Carlos Sanchez (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-1797?page=comments#action_68237 ] Carlos Sanchez commented on MNG-1797: - you don't need to exclude them to chenge the scope, just add it with the right one > Dependency excludes apply to every subsequent dependency,

[jira] Commented: (MPMD-33) do not fail build on PMD failures, include them in pmd report

2006-06-26 Thread Doug Douglass (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPMD-33?page=comments#action_68236 ] Doug Douglass commented on MPMD-33: --- pmd-3.7 is now available on central. Please consider this patch for inclusion in the pmd plugin. In thinking about this issue some more, it may be

[jira] Commented: (MNG-1797) Dependency excludes apply to every subsequent dependency, not just the one it is declared under.

2006-06-26 Thread Andreas Schildbach (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-1797?page=comments#action_68235 ] Andreas Schildbach commented on MNG-1797: - This issue is very annoying. There are several POMs on ibiblio that are missing provided from their javax.servlet, servlet-api depende

[jira] Updated: (SCM-116) scm:update doesn't iterate through multi-projects

2006-06-26 Thread David Boden (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-116?page=all ] David Boden updated SCM-116: Attachment: UpdateSubprojectsMojo.java > scm:update doesn't iterate through multi-projects > - > > Key: SCM-116 >

[jira] Commented: (MECLIPSE-32) Allow for forcing the creation of direct project references for dependencies

2006-06-26 Thread Barry Kaplan (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MECLIPSE-32?page=comments#action_68231 ] Barry Kaplan commented on MECLIPSE-32: -- Excellent! Thanks for the heads up Baerrach. > Allow for forcing the creation of direct project references for dependencies > ---

[jira] Erstellt: (CONTINUUM-736) "Edit User" page resets password to the empty password - admin user no longer useable

2006-06-26 Thread Bernhard Wellh?fer (JIRA)
"Edit User" page resets password to the empty password - admin user no longer useable - Key: CONTINUUM-736 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-736 Project: Continuum Type:

[jira] Commented: (MNGECLIPSE-59) Allow artifact resolution from workspace projects

2006-06-26 Thread Marek Bieganski (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNGECLIPSE-59?page=comments#action_68229 ] Marek Bieganski commented on MNGECLIPSE-59: --- Caching artifact key in Maven2Nature instead of parsing model/project every time seems to be good idea too > Allow artifact

[jira] Commented: (MNGECLIPSE-59) Allow artifact resolution from workspace projects

2006-06-26 Thread Marek Bieganski (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNGECLIPSE-59?page=comments#action_68227 ] Marek Bieganski commented on MNGECLIPSE-59: --- in patched Maven2Plugin class: Why method: getModel(IFile file) uses: getMavenEmbedder().readProjectWithDependencies( file

[jira] Commented: (MDEP-25) Option to copy artifact also, along with its deps on (copy/unpack)-dependencies goals

2006-06-26 Thread Anagnostopoulos Kostis (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEP-25?page=comments#action_68224 ] Anagnostopoulos Kostis commented on MDEP-25: I would suggest the name for that parameter to be: {quote} includeProjectArtifact {quote} so that it may be used also by [that

[jira] Created: (MDEP-26) New goal to write classpath string with all dependencies from local repo

2006-06-26 Thread Anagnostopoulos Kostis (JIRA)
New goal to write classpath string with all dependencies from local repo Key: MDEP-26 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEP-26 Project: Maven 2.x Dependency Plugin Type: New Feature Ver

[jira] Created: (MDEP-25) Option to copy artifact also, along with its deps on (copy/unpack)-dependencies goals

2006-06-26 Thread Anagnostopoulos Kostis (JIRA)
Option to copy artifact also, along with its deps on (copy/unpack)-dependencies goals - Key: MDEP-25 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEP-25 Project: Maven 2.x Dependency Plugin

[jira] Commented: (MWAR-48) review plugin documentation

2006-06-26 Thread Marvin King (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-48?page=comments#action_68223 ] Marvin King commented on MWAR-48: - rewriting... > review plugin documentation > --- > > Key: MWAR-48 > URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/M

[jira] Updated: (MWAR-48) review plugin documentation

2006-06-26 Thread Marvin King (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-48?page=all ] Marvin King updated MWAR-48: Attachment: (was: MWAR-48-maven-war-plugin[draft2].patch) > review plugin documentation > --- > > Key: MWAR-48 > URL: http://jira.

[jira] Updated: (MWAR-48) review plugin documentation

2006-06-26 Thread Marvin King (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-48?page=all ] Marvin King updated MWAR-48: Attachment: (was: MWAR-48-maven-war-plugin[draft].patch) > review plugin documentation > --- > > Key: MWAR-48 > URL: http://jira.c

[jira] Created: (MWAR-53) WAR plugin does not allow for ignoring the web.xml file

2006-06-26 Thread Andreas Schildbach (JIRA)
WAR plugin does not allow for ignoring the web.xml file --- Key: MWAR-53 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-53 Project: Maven 2.x War Plugin Type: Bug Versions: 2.0 Reporter: Andreas Schildbach

[jira] Commented: (MPLUGIN-7) Reformat the autogenerated goal parameters page to improve readibility.

2006-06-26 Thread Edwin Punzalan (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPLUGIN-7?page=comments#action_68222 ] Edwin Punzalan commented on MPLUGIN-7: -- Hervé, How was your work here? any progress? Anyway, the suggestion is to make the page more like the page in maven's project descriptor..

[jira] Updated: (MWAR-52) WAR plugin does not honor the webXml configuration setting [patch included!]

2006-06-26 Thread Andreas Schildbach (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-52?page=all ] Andreas Schildbach updated MWAR-52: --- Attachment: patch.txt > WAR plugin does not honor the webXml configuration setting [patch included!] > ---

[jira] Created: (MWAR-52) WAR plugin does not honor the webXml configuration setting [patch included!]

2006-06-26 Thread Andreas Schildbach (JIRA)
WAR plugin does not honor the webXml configuration setting [patch included!] Key: MWAR-52 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-52 Project: Maven 2.x War Plugin Type: Bug Versions:

[jira] Updated: (MNG-2406) Add @since javadoc tags to plugin parameters

2006-06-26 Thread Edwin Punzalan (JIRA)
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2406?page=all ] Edwin Punzalan updated MNG-2406: Attachment: MNG-2406-maven-plugin-tools-java.patch MNG-2406-maven-plugin-tools-api.patch MNG-2406-maven-plugin-descriptor.patch > Add @