people here will know how to make uboot do what you want.
Mauro Santos
if not
in the official repos (read: even if it is provided by a package on the
AUR and there are some instruction/general guidelines on how to make it
Mauro Santos
> https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-dev-public/2016-May/028014.html
You may want to check 'man alpm-hooks'. You should be able to automate
what you want to do.
Mauro Santos
the lanes
at reduced speed (can't recall exactly), so you might be hitting
something similar.
Mauro Santos
info, please do share.
It's working fine here.
I don't use a login manager, I login from a tty and I haven't changed
any configuration in a long while. I also don't do anything special to
launch xfce or anything else.
my .xinitrc has:
if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
[ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
unset f
exec startxfce4
and that's all.
Mauro Santos
g 2.8.11 now, but since it's dangerous for other
> users to have their files corrupted, I think an official downgrade
> to 3.2.4 is in order.
If you've reported the bug both upstream and in arch's bug tracker and
it turns out it really is a nasty bug it will most probably either get a
downgrade or will be patched quickly (after upstream fixes it).
Mauro Santos
of shame already so I
suppose sometime in the past it has been necessary to do a downgrade.
In the case where the bug comes from upstream one should report it
upstream, but if it is something "serious" you have to report it in
Arch's bug tracker, the maintainer does not have a crystal ball to know
some nasty bug reared its head.
Mauro Santos
is a way to do it, see:
man pacman | grep -A1 epoch
Mauro Santos
I guess the quick "fix" would be to downgrade the kernel or maybe try
the lts kernel.
Mauro Santos
On 06-03-2017 12:45, Henrik Danielsson via arch-general wrote:
> 2017-03-06 12:53 GMT+01:00 Mauro Santos via arch-general <
> arch-general@archlinux.org>:
>> On 06-03-2017 11:20, Henrik Danielsson via arch-general wrote:
>>> 2017-03-06 11:18 GMT+01:00 Ralf Ma
On 06-03-2017 12:13, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 11:53:34 +0000, Mauro Santos via arch-general wrote:
>> I think the point here is not so much privacy, as I believe everyone
>> recognizes that the information that was asked for (the full list of
>> usernames) is
ormation from github. That information is public, github
does have an API to query that information, but they still have to
scrape it, I suppose that implies github does not hand it over wholesale
on request, why should we? This might be due to their ToS or they know
something we don't.
Mauro Santos
that user foo on github is the same person as user foo on the
AUR/Wiki/Forum or user foo somewhere else. In this case I'd also have to
agree that sharing usernames lowers the threshold for sharing other
It also doesn't fit with their stated research goals, only github and
projects associated with scraping data from github are mentioned, why
would they want to throw the AUR usernames in the mix?
Mauro Santos
few years back in a usb drive, didn't like it.
Can't comment on data loss, I don't remember if it ever imploded.
Mauro Santos
On 26-12-2016 02:54, Eli Schwartz via arch-general wrote:
> On 12/24/2016 10:33 AM, Mauro Santos via arch-general wrote:
>> What other distros do is recommend a 1GB /boot or changing the
>> configuration to reduce the number of older kernels installed[1]. People
>> have c
On 24-12-2016 14:14, Carsten Mattner wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 3:17 PM, Mauro Santos via arch-general
> wrote:
>> On 23-12-2016 13:58, Carsten Mattner via arch-general wrote:
>>> On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 1:59 PM, fredbezies via arch-general
>>> wrote:
If you don't see
> errors/warnings, then kernel developers would usually ask to enable
> debug flags for printing more information during boot.
> That said, I have one old machine with a Core2Duo and GM4xx and
> ever since DRM's atomic modesetting was introduced in 4.2, I can
> only use 4.1 warning free. Regressions do happen but you had no
> warnings or errors in 4.8 so yours looks like a different regression.
If you don't report the bugs upstream they don't get fixed, if you have
reported it and no one got around to take a look at it then fine,
otherwise don't be lazy and report those bugs and help get them fixed.
Mauro Santos
its, alongside upstream official ones, it's another matter.
> Personally I'm okay with all of this and I'll accommodate my
> setup, no matter how openvpn gets packaged. I had to compile
> openvpn for at least two release cycles because of a bug on it[0].
> I think you'll probably remember that one.
> Cheers,
> Giancarlo Razzolini
> [0] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/50090
Mauro Santos
this was a fresh USB drive
> too, no prior iso on it)
> "get a rope... somebody done screwed something up..."
You could try to inspect the boot entry. If I recall correctly the
install iso uses grub so you can check and edit the entry before booting.
If indeed the boot entries are not correct then you should file a bug
Mauro Santos
> Kind regards
> Peter
Have you seen this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/QEMU#Networking
Mauro Santos
se or you
get reprimanded or kicked out.
Mauro Santos
t for whatever you
fancy then you can manage it any way you like, here you have to abide by
the rules put in place by the people running the forums/ML/IRC.
Mauro Santos
nd how it is configured, and will waste everyone's time
playing a game of twenty questions to solve a trivial problem when the
solution is many of the times in a wiki page.
Mauro Santos
; the user's installation.
Third party installers are not supported in any shape or form. Threads
asking for support about derivative distros or third party installers on
the forums will be closed and binned on sight.
Mauro Santos
Have you tried with the latest install ISO?
You also seem to have physical access to the hardware, any special
reason why you have to use optical media instead of a usb flash drive?
Mauro Santos
y are quite recent.
Requiring sse2 might be a reasonable cutoff, but I'm sure there will be
people still using older machines that will complain if sse2 is
mandatory, as I can reasonably see late pentium 3 machines still being
usable for office, email or light browsing applications.
Mauro Santos
On 19-08-2016 16:05, Sebastiaan Lokhorst via arch-general wrote:
> 2016-08-19 16:28 GMT+02:00 Mauro Santos via arch-general <
> arch-general@archlinux.org>:
>> Make no mistake, they are after profits and do whatever it takes to keep
>> the money flowing
P Fingerprint <https://leefuller.io/pgp/>: *
> 4ACAEBA4B9EE1B3A075034302D5C3D050E6ED55A
> On 19 August 2016 at 15:28, Mauro Santos via arch-general <
> arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
>> On 19-08-2016 14:27, Stephen E. Baker via arch-general wrote:
kes to keep
the money flowing, all their friendliness to linux and open source is
tainted with patent attacks behind the curtain. The next time the
leadership changes there is no guarantee that this new found
friendliness isn't going to change.
Mauro Santos
rouble than it's worth.
However a big fat warning should be present somewhere that bugs/problems
with flatpak packages are the sole responsibility of upstream/the
creator as I suspect bugs and problems will be the norm.
Mauro Santos
#x27;t different projects, both packages are in the AUR and
therefore unsupported.
As far as I know the only officially supported way of building and
installing packages on Arch Linux is using makepkg and pacman.
Mauro Santos
"old" database without any problems.
Mauro Santos
> Or use the config from Fabien on this same thread:
> https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-general/2016-June/041457.html
You should also be aware that some bugs are solved in libinput and have
been closed as wontfix in other drivers [1-2]. Although this is for
evdev it can give you an idea of what will happen in the future, if any
hard to solve bugs arise (as was the case with the example I provide).
[1] https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92897
[2] https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92896
Mauro Santos
On 19-05-2016 13:33, Doug Newgard wrote:
> On Thu, 19 May 2016 13:13:51 +0100
> Mauro Santos wrote:
>> On 19-05-2016 00:20, Sébastien Luttringer wrote:
>>> Could we use a prefix convention to order our hooks? It's usefull to build
>>> modules before buil
myself and I'm sure more people do the same.
I'd guess everyone that maintains their own grub.cfg would really
appreciate not having a bad surprise after a kernel update.
Mauro Santos
have to hide other partitions.
It all depends on what the bsd is expecting to find in regards to
partitions. I've never used it so I can't be of much help besides guesses.
Mauro Santos
You could comment that option and later try to use fbset to set the
resolution of the console. With some luck dpms will continue working.
Mauro Santos
ill not work as it needs a DRM(*) driver in the
kernel, which your card doesn't have I believe.
(*) Direct Rendering Manager
Mauro Santos
t a
couple of days and maybe someone else will chime in with more ideas.
Given that your your graphics card is not very popular now I'd say the
best you can get is ideas to test and general guidance.
Mauro Santos
it was from last
I seem to recall reading something about some drivers not being
supported or not supporting something since a few xorg releases, but I
can't remember (or find) where I read that.
[1] http://www.x.org/wiki/sis/
[2] https://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-sis/
Mauro Santos
bugs should be ironed out.
Mauro Santos
whether OP's using Arch or not.
That is correct, my bad on that one. I was thinking only about module
loading at boot time.
Mauro Santos
On 12-04-2016 08:00, message wrote:
> Mauro Santos Sun, 10 Apr 2016 11:29:06 -0700
>> You may want to refer to this page for guidance
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Kernel_modules#Automatic_module_handling
> Thanks. Created a 'conf' file (root user):
user, regardless the
>> `sudo`, so the command wouldn't work (even if /etc/modules existed).
> Redirection will work as expected if logged in as root.
There is no point in using sudo if logged in as root is there, so the
remark is valid.
Mauro Santos
Anyone wanting to discuss an announcement can do it in arch-general.
Mauro Santos
has been fixed in Arch? If so,
>> at
>> which kernel version?
>> Thanks,
>> Andrew
There were two different bugs that came up at different times, one is
drives that don't work properly with queued trim and another was the bug
with raid.
The fix for the first problem is still to blacklist queued trim for the
affected drives, it hasn't changed. Both problems should not affect
either the "normal" or lts kernels provided by arch.
Mauro Santos
little they will release an update soon[1] which seems interesting,
although it will be quite expensive.
The downside is that these don't have an ethernet port.
You should also be able to find similar devices from other manufacturers.
Mauro Santos
the full log to http://adelie.antarkt.is/trouble/journal.txt
> (I could not upload a log that large to pastebin apparently).
> Vänligen,
> Aron Widforss
It would be very helpful if you said around which time the machine
crashed as that is a lot of log to go through.
Mauro Santos
it makes it harder to track
the events that lead to the crash.
Mauro Santos
tention, flash can store data for less time when
it is reaching end of life, so if you plan to use the drive until it
dies make sure you do regular backups.
Mauro Santos
f the smaller packages first. After installing the
recompiled package(s) they still show up on the list.
Is recompiling enough or in some cases there is the need to do some changes?
Mauro Santos
On 20-11-2015 17:57, Jayesh Badwaik wrote:
> On Friday, November 20, 2015 05:46:18 PM Mauro Santos wrote:
>> Not really, BIOS is old and it doesn't know anything about OPAL drives.
>> I don't know about UEFI machines but I suspect not many know about
d send key scancodes, you don't want to get
anywhere near that kind of nonsense. This would mean that you might not
be able to unlock the disk if you move it to another machine.
Mauro Santos
On 20-11-2015 16:54, Aron Widforss wrote:
> And when a vuln is found it is helluva lot harder to fix the hardware
> than just patchinig the system.
Unless said vuln is easily exploitable by garden variety thieves I'll
take my chances.
For other adversaries see: http://xkcd.com/538/
On 20-11-2015 16:13, Damjan Georgievski wrote:
> On 20 November 2015 at 17:04, Mauro Santos wrote:
>> On 20-11-2015 17:19, Joan Aymà wrote:
>>> Why should not be easier to boot following Disk_Encryption on the wiki[1]?
>>> Regards.
Mauro Santos
e reboot step would not be needed
and would streamline the process a bit (and make it faster).
Mauro Santos
I've been searching if rerunning the bootloader from an initramfs is
possible but my searches have come up empty.
Anyone here knows how to do it or if it is possible? I would be happy if
someone could provide me with some pointers.
Mauro Santos
it to :)
Thanks for the suggestion.
Mauro Santos
hook runs as
if they were defined in the MODULES array in mkinitcpio.conf?
I know I'm seeing the expected behavior but I need some modules to be
included in the initramfs even if they are not in use in the running
system, and it would be nice to have the smallest initramfs as possible.
Mauro Santos
lly have a
> usb stick or PXE boot with a somewhat recent ISO because in many
> situations even busybox won't help you. Nice to keep it around anyway.
I assume the "best" course of action in these cases is to use pacman
with --root and give it the path to the hosed / right?
Mauro Santos
blem. Interrupted
> Internet connections are not that seldom nowadays in Germany,
> https://allestörungen.de/, e.g. my provider:
> https://allestörungen.de/stoerung/o2
> It might be not that much of an issue in other countries.
You can always do 'pacman -Syuw' until you manage to download all the
Mauro Santos
to disable ipv6 because when leaving it enabled sometimes it
causes hard to track connectivity problems.
Mauro Santos
till edit grub.cfg
by hand as so far nothing runs grub-mkconfig automatically.
Mauro Santos
keyboard. I'd say ps/2 keyboards and "normal"
usb keyboards are not affected.
Mauro Santos
it didn't work now
with the laptop.
I'll give it a few days and see if there is any change, someone already
complained a couple days ago, otherwise: squeaky wheel approach :p
Mauro Santos
On 28-08-2015 12:35, Neven Sajko wrote:
> Out of curiosity: you plug the keyboard receiver in after you start X,
> don't you?
> .
It doesn't matter if I have it plugged before starting X or if I plug it
after starting X, like I said in the long description ;)
Mauro Santos
place is using running 'setxkbmap pt'
automatically (via autostart) after I start XFCE, in this case things
work as they should.
Google did not help with this and the is nothing on the wiki about this
weird problem. Has anyone seen this behavior before? Any ideas on how I
can properly fix this?
Mauro Santos
On 05-07-2015 00:58, Michał Zegan wrote:
> few weeks ago, but not sure really.
> W dniu 2015-07-04 o 22:40, Mauro Santos pisze:
>> On 02-07-2015 21:02, Michał Zegan wrote:
>>> My term is XTERM emulated, I mean using putty. But the fact is
>>> that the behavior
ick man page search doesn't show
anything that might be an obvious solution, however something that might
be worth looking at is /etc/screenrc. Do you happen to know more or less
when this started to happen?
Mauro Santos
On 23-04-2015 19:31, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Apr 2015 18:18:49 +0100, Mauro Santos wrote:
>> You should give qemu+kvm+spice a try, I have found that it seems to
>> work acceptably even for usb redirection. Bonus points: no more
>> trouble after updates and it should
ld give qemu+kvm+spice a try, I have found that it seems to work
acceptably even for usb redirection. Bonus points: no more trouble after
updates and it should work over the network.
Mauro Santos
>>>>>> ... Buffer I/O error on dev sr0, logical block 153344, async page
>>> read
>>>>>> :: Mounting '/dev/disk/by-label/ARCH_201504' ^@ERROR: device did not
>>>>>> :: show
>>>>>> up after 30 seconds . . .
>>>>> check the label of the iso, you can do it with "file ...iso"
>>>>> although the I/O errors suggest the CD is unreadable.
>>>>> --
>>>>> damjan
>>> To Damjan,
>>> Sounds like a bad burn. Can you try booting via USB?
>>> Regards,
>>> Mark
Might it be because of the backend? Were you using cdrkit or cdrtools?
Mauro Santos
b 03:59 start_x.elf
> Is it save to reboot and if not, how can I rebuild my /boot directory?
You should ask the archlinuxarm guys, archlinux does not support the
raspberry pi or any other arm board.
That said it works fine for me on the rpi, so I suspect you might have a
problem with the filesystem and you should do a fsck.
Mauro Santos
os 4
would work with systemd-nspawn but would be nice to be able to (easily)
setup a container with that in case of need (reason: compatibility with
some older proprietary program).
> # yum -y --releasever=21 --nogpg --installroot=/srv/mycontainer
> --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=fedora install systemd passwd yum
> fedora-release-server vim-minimal
Mauro Santos
umed the bridge
would behave like a dumb switch since I'm not using ebtables but clearly
I was wrong. If my setup breaks I'll know where to look first now :)
Mauro Santos
ck google search doesn't turn
up much besides this[1]. Does this apply to filtering via iptables
(traffic from/to localhost to/from machines on the bridge) or more
specifically to ebtables (filter traffic between machines on the bridge)?
[1] http://ebtables.netfilter.org/documentation/bridge-nf.html
Mauro Santos
On 08-01-2015 00:00, Mark Lee wrote:
> Salutations,
> I was wondering what's the holdup on Linux 3.18. It's been in testing
> since 12/11/2014.
I suppose the reason is this:
Mauro Santos
> suspend is broken on radeon), come home and no screen for what feels
> like a thousand reboots.
You seem to be doing late KMS, try doing early KMS. I've had trouble
before with late KMS and ever since I started using early KMS the
problems are gone.
Mauro Santos
ever 'locale -a' outputs. The output of 'locale -a' should include
the locale you want, if it doesn't then you have to double check
/etc/locale.gen and rerun locale-gen.
Another shot in the dark, try with a new user and set the shell to bash,
just to add another data point and dismiss anything weird going on with
the shell you are using.
No more ideas here. This is most probably caused by something you might
have changed, the trouble is always finding what.
Mauro Santos
e you caught a bug, or font handling changed.
I would also check other terminal emulators, preferably with different
dependencies to try a rule out any bug in the dependencies.
Mauro Santos
I assume
> it must be a configuration / corruption issue with my specific system.
> Paul
Did you check /etc/profile.d for any changed/added files that may be
changing the locale?
Mauro Santos
suppose that if it behaves like this with adwaita
then this is a new "feature" :/
As to the original problem, I have tested using ethernet and I had no
problems (tested with static ip and dhcp profiles).
Mauro Santos
nm-applet but I can't pinpoint
exactly when this started happening. I know this must have happened in
the last week (most probably after yesterday's update).
Previously I could left-click release and the nm-applet menu would stay
open, now I have to left-click and hold otherwise there is no m
ested it though, so it might be broken and I have no idea of
how to integrate it with the automagical grub.cfg configuration
[2] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-grub/
onment. Going to full virtualisation is
> definitely overkill and the only containers I know of are chroots and
> docker.
I'm not sure if you are including systemd-nspawn in the chroot category,
if not then give it a try. I tend to think of it as chroot on steroids :D
Mauro Sa
k file may be applied to a given device; and a "[Link]" section
specifying how the device should be configured. The first (in lexical
order) of the link files that matches a given device is applied.
Mauro Santos
firmation. Was it fixed ?
> Yamakaky
That is still the same, check 'man systemd.link'. I suppose that is a
feature, not a bug.
Mauro Santos
On 29-07-2014 17:35, Mauro Santos wrote:
> You can add another thing that doesn't work to the list:
> Running skype (or any other program) as a separate user.
> It works fine if I use Xwrapper.config to run X as root but without it I
> see only a grey window. I did loo
ch other X server as root.
You can add another thing that doesn't work to the list:
Running skype (or any other program) as a separate user.
It works fine if I use Xwrapper.config to run X as root but without it I
see only a grey window. I did look into the manual pages but I didn't
see anything that looks like it would make things work.
Mauro Santos
> Stefan
> .
It seems to be working fine here, the output of 'journalctl -b' includes
output from dbus, polkitd, NetworkManager, etc.
Mauro Santos
In case compiling in place is ok, should I use 'make clean' before
compiling a new kernel?
Regarding patches, I suppose I shouldn't need to include any extra
patches or are there any known needed patches required to build kernel 3.13?
Mauro Santos
fs partition, ext4 and
btrfs don't seem to trigger this problem. The workaround I used at the
time was to extend the unit file by explicitly adding a shorter timeout
Mauro Santos
u have already tried. Keep your head cool, be
patient and polite.
Mauro Santos
se I'm actually making use of them in a production system, then I
suppose the features will be removed.
[1] https://www.archlinux.de/?page=PackageStatistics
Mauro Santos
tools then tomoyo does have tomoyo-tools in [community]. However it
requires the user to manage rules creation and maintenance.
Mauro Santos
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tes scrubbed: 0.00 with 0 errors
> $ sudo btrfs scrub cancel /media/data/
> ERROR: scrub cancel failed on /media/data/: not running
> New scrubs cannot be started until the stale/invalid scrub states are
> deleted (rm -f /var/lib/btrfs/*).
> So I'm stumped, here. Anyone have any clue as to what's happening?
> Thanks,
> --Sean
Just a guess but you might want to change the unit type to simple
instead of oneshot.
Mauro Santos
to bring the tap interface on the
host up so there would be no network connectivity even though the
interface on the container side was properly configured and brought up.
Mauro Santos
will be able to get rid of your
> hack.
Great :)
Thanks for bringing this issue to the attention of the devs.
Mauro Santos
On 13-03-2014 14:01, Mark Lee wrote:
> Salutations,
> Remember that fat32 has a 4GB file size limitation (it doesn't effect Mauro
> Santos, cause his partition is 4GB). In addition I suggest using fat32 for
> /boot since it can also work on UEFI systems (minimum partition
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