On 23-04-2015 16:57, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Apr 2015 17:42:44 +0200, G. Schlisio wrote:
>> arch does not support partial upgrades. it is simply to much of a
>> hassle, to keep track of every versioned dependency. so, if you choose
>> to update partially, you have to deal with it on your own (as you
>> already do).
>> i think there have been several diskussions about that on this ML, so
>> if you need more info, maybe a search in the archives can help you.
> Thank you.
> I guess I will search for another solution. Maybe a chroot for the
> outdated version of virtualbox. OTOH I don't know if a chroot won't
> cause USB issues.
> At the moment I can keep it the way it is, but within a few month it
> might be better to find another solution.
> Regards,
> Ralf

You should give qemu+kvm+spice a try, I have found that it seems to work
acceptably even for usb redirection. Bonus points: no more trouble after
updates and it should work over the network.

Mauro Santos

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