On 17-03-2014 10:01, Paul Gideon Dann wrote:
> I don't get this: it seems normal to me that the interface would be down 
> until it's 
> configured by the container, pretty much like on a normal machine. The only 
> situation 
> in which you can expect an interface to be up already is in a network-booting 
> situation, 
> in which the initramfs configures the interface. In a virtualised situation, 
> this is like the 
> host configuring the container's interface for it.
> Anyway, no big deal either way for me.
> Paul
I suspect we might have been talking about 2 different things all along.
What I and Arnaud have been talking about is the tap interface on the
host, not the interface inside the container, which of course should be
properly configured by the OS inside the container.

The OS inside the container has no way to bring the tap interface on the
host up so there would be no network connectivity even though the
interface on the container side was properly configured and brought up.

Mauro Santos

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