--- Comment #4 from ---
(In reply to Ralf Habacker from comment #3)
> So you did setup a smb server (or a windows host) with hostname 'server',
> the share 'data' with authentification and placed a file test.xmi in the
> root dir, which you could download with the mentioned command ? 

The fact is I changed the real urls in order to hide the company name where do
I work (company name was in the url). 

> Please retest with umbrello using the correct url and report if it works

I changed the smb share and repeated steps. Now smb hostname is 'serwerek',
share is 'Oprogramowanie' and file name is 'preferences_model.xmi'. 

Umbrello still doesn't work and I attached the output logs again (named
'serwerek_umbrello.log'). Command:
  $ kioclient5 move smb://serwerek/Oprogramowanie/preferences_model.xmi
still works perfectly and I can open the file with ubrello from location
'/tmp/preferences_model.xmi' after executing kioclient5 command.

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