Ralf Habacker <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Product|umbrello                    |frameworks-kio
           Assignee|      |
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1
          Component|general                     |general
             Blocks|                            |373932
            Version|2.25.2 (KDE Applications    |5.47.0
                   |18.04.2)                    |
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |CONFIRMED
                 CC|                            |,
                   |                            |

--- Comment #1 from Ralf Habacker <> ---
The KIO framework retrieves files from a remote location. With installed KF5
framework there is a command line application named kioclient5, with which the
use case can be checked outside from umbrello. 

How to reproduce: 
If you have configured a file on an SMB server with authentication, e.g.
smb://server/data/test.xmi, the file could be downloaded with 

 kioclient5 move smb://server/data/test.xmi /tmp/test.xmi

Executing this command with current KF5 packages (18.04) returns the error
message "The file..... does not exist", your are reporting. 

Executing the same command with the KDE4 counterpart

 kioclient move smb://server/data/test.xmi /tmp/test.xmi

opens a password dialog. After entering the correct user and password
information, the file is downloaded and stored in /tmp/test.xmi.

The fact that this function works with KDE4 shows that the problem lies in the
underlying KF5 framework, probably in kio or the smb kioslave.

Referenced Bugs:
[Bug 373932] Fix KF5 issues
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