Ralf Habacker <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |WAITINGFORINFO
             Status|CONFIRMED                   |NEEDSINFO

--- Comment #3 from Ralf Habacker <> ---
>  $ kioclient5 move smb://server/data/test.xmi /tmp/test.xmi
> doesn't return the error message, moreover It copies file to desired location 
> and I can read It.
So you did setup a smb server (or a windows host) with hostname 'server', the
share 'data' with authentification and placed a file test.xmi in the root dir,
which you could download with the mentioned command ? 

In the log it looks you are using an incorrect url

> umbrello: UMLDoc::openDocument: copy from  
> QUrl("smb://path/to/umbrello/file.xmi")  to  
> QUrl("file:///tmp/umbrello.HAORWs") .

Please retest with umbrello using the correct url and report if it works

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