
Alexey Pakseykin commented on MRELEASE-381:

The description lists the following example:
    ssh developer absolute:
    git clone g...@github.com/olamy/scm-git-test-one-module.git

This is incorrect - there is no colon `:` between hostname and path for SSH 
tools to consider this valid. Try to clone a Git repo with command like this:
    git clone username@hostname/absolute/path/to/known/repo.git
And this will fail until you put a colon `:` between hostname and path. SSH 
differentiates between absolute and relative (to user's home) path by looking 
at `/`

So, what's it's all about?
The problem is that erasing this colon `:` by Maven Release plugin is a problem 
in the latest (2.5.1) version:

> url syntax not good enough for the git scm provider
> ---------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRELEASE-381
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRELEASE-381
>             Project: Maven Release Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: scm
>    Affects Versions: 2.0-beta-7
>            Reporter: Torsten Curdt
>            Assignee: Olivier Lamy
>            Priority: Blocker
>             Fix For: 2.0-beta-9
> The problem is that git supports 2 different URL schemes. For the normal RFC 
> 2396 standard and ssh style. So in theory all these styles should work:
> normal anonymous absolute:
> {code}git clone git://github.com/olamy/scm-git-test-one-module.git{code}
> normal anonymous relative:
> {code}git clone git://github.com:olamy/scm-git-test-one-module.git{code}
> normal developer absolute:
> {code}git clone ssh://g...@github.com/olamy/scm-git-test-one-module.git{code}
> normal developer relative:
> {code}git clone ssh://g...@github.com/~git/olamy/scm-git-test-one-module{code}
> ssh developer absolute:
> {code}git clone g...@github.com/olamy/scm-git-test-one-module.git{code}
> ssh developer relative:
> {code}git clone g...@github.com:olamy/scm-git-test-one-module{code}
> In reality the ssh:// URL is not always supported. (For example github does 
> not). In fact they suggest to use
> normal anonymous absolute:
> {code}git://github.com/olamy/scm-git-test-one-module.git{code}
> ssh developer relative:
> {code}g...@github.com:olamy/scm-git-test-one-module.git{code}
> For the initial checkout the developer will use the command line and set 
> "g...@github.com:olamy/scm-git-test-one-module.git" as the remote address. So 
> subsequent commits and tags (from the plugin) can work just fine as the URL 
> does not need to be specified anymore. But when the release plugin checks out 
> the code it will fail if the proper developer url 
> "ssh://g...@github.com/~git/olamy/scm-git-test-one-module" (normal developer 
> relative) is set. (As the maven pom seems to expect that format).
> There are 3 ways to fix or work around this:
> 1) Use the normal anonymous URLs for both connections (developer and 
> anonymous) inside the pom. This will confused developers though as the 
> generated site tells the new developers to use the anonymous URL to checkout 
> the code. They will not be able to push if they do.
> 2) Have the scm/release plugin ignore the developer URL and use the anonymous 
> URL for the checkout. Again this will be confusing on the generated site as 
> the normal developer rel/abs URLs might not be supported.
> 3) Somehow store the URL in the format 
> "g...@github.com:olamy/scm-git-test-one-module" in the pom. The problem is 
> that the POM expects the normal (RFC 2396) format AFAIU.

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