
Lucas Lampietti closed MDEPLOY-149.

    Resolution: Not A Bug

Forget this issue, cause filepath can contain some spaces, so trim is not a 
A simple workaround is to use the build-helper-maven-plugin:attach-artifact 
goal when necessary in POM and use the deploy-file goal only for command line
> deploy-file fails with the <files/> element containing spaces or line breaks
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MDEPLOY-149
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEPLOY-149
>             Project: Maven 2.x and 3.x Deploy Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: deploy:deploy-file
>    Affects Versions: 2.7
>         Environment: all
>            Reporter: Lucas Lampietti
>         Attachments: mvn-deploy.patch
> The deploy-file goal fails if we set a list of files with line breaks or 
> spaces (for better readability since we have a long list of aside artifacts 
> to deploy)
> The following sample fails :
> {code:xml}
> <configuration>
>     <classifiers>
>         classifier1, classifier2
>         classifier3
>     </classifiers>
>     <files>
>         ${basedir}/src/main/assets/artifact1.zip, 
> ${basedir}/src/main/assets/artifact2.jar,
>         ${basedir}/src/main/assets/artifact3.jar
>     </files>
>     <types>
>         zip,
>         jar, jar
>     </types>
> </configuration>
> {code}
> while the following works fine :
> {code:xml}
> <configuration>
>     <classifiers>
>         classifier1, classifier2
>         classifier3
>     </classifiers>
>     <files>
> ${basedir}/src/main/assets/artifact1.zip,${basedir}/src/main/assets/artifact2.jar,${basedir}/src/main/assets/artifact3.jar
>     </files>
>     <types>
>         zip,
>         jar, jar
>     </types>
> </configuration>
> {code}
> As visible in these configuration samples, the elements <classifiers/> end 
> <types/> are not affected and work fine even with spaces or line breaks in 
> them.

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