file refers to the timestamped version of the SNAPSHOT dependency while ear actually has the SNAPSHOT version of the dependency. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: MWAR-271 URL: Project: Maven 2.x WAR Plugin Issue Type: Bug Components: manifest Affects Versions: 2.1.1 Environment: Windows XP Reporter: Arun Shankar Tiwari Attachments: MANIFEST.MF I have multimodule project say ModuleA, moduleB, moduleC.ModuleB is a web based project while other are jar based project under a parent module parentA. I am finally packaging all the jar and war under ear module using maven ear plugin version 2.6. I am using WAR plugin version 2.1.1 and jar plugin version as 2.3. Each module have multiple dependencies some with SNAPSHOT depenedency. My final artifact is ear inside which war along with other jars are added. WAR artifacts has file which mentions all the classpath dependencies. I have noticed that most of the SNAPSHOT dependencies are referenced as 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT while one of the SNAPSHOT dependency has the notion of timestamped. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. For more information on JIRA, see: