Upload PDF core font information

                 Key: MAVENUPLOAD-2485
                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-2485
             Project: Maven Upload Requests
          Issue Type: Wish
            Reporter: Jukka Zitting

I'd like to have the PDF core font information files from 
http://www.adobe.com/devnet/font/#pcfi uploaded to the central Maven 
repository. I have prepared an upload bundle with the coordinates 
com.adobe.pdf:pcfi:2009.06.14 for this. Adobe gives permission to redistribute 
the included files in unmodified form. See 
http://jukka.zitting.name/2009/com.adobe.pdf/LICENSE.txt for the licensing 
details (also available as META-INF/LICENSE.txt inside the bundled 

Note that I am *not* affiliated with Adobe in any way, so I'm not sure if it's 
OK for me to propose uploading stuff under the groupId com.adobe.pdf. As an 
alternative, see 
for an upload bundle with the coordinates name.zitting.jukka:pcfi:2009.06.14 
based on my personal domain name. Other than that the bundles are identical 
(e.g. both store the font information files under com/adobe/pdf/pcfi).

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