Artifacts with invalid id can be deployed with deploy:deploy-file.

                 Key: MDEPLOY-88
             Project: Maven 2.x Deploy Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 2.4
            Reporter: Joerg Schaible

Real world example: WebLogic delivers webserviceclient+ssl.jar.

It is no problem to create a POM file for this artifact with as 
"weblogic:webserviceclient+ssl:" and deploy this with the prepared POM 
into the repository. It is also no problem to deploy artifacts with a prepared 
POM that declare a dependency to this artifact. However, if this artifact is 
declared as direct dependency to a project the build fails immediately with :

Validation Messages:

    [0]  'dependencies.dependency.artifactId' with value 'webserviceclient+ssl' 
does not match a valid id pattern.

and worse, if the artifact is a transitive dep, you only get a non-explaining 
warning and all other dependencies of the "transitive artifact" are dropped:

[WARNING] POM for '' is invalid. It 
will be ignored for artifact resolution. Reason: F
ailed to validate POM for project at Artifact 

The deploy plugin has to validate the (also a generated) POM before deploying 
an artifact with deploy:deploy-file.

BTW: I suppose the install plugin has the same issue with install:install-file. 
However, I also suppose the code is shared ;-)

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