elharo commented on code in PR #248:
URL: https://github.com/apache/maven-archetype/pull/248#discussion_r1885696885

@@ -1632,6 +1634,18 @@ private FileSet getUnpackagedFileSet(
         return createFileSet(excludes, false, filtered, group, includes, 
+    private String getFileCharsetEncoding(File detectedFile, String 
defaultEncoding) {
+        try (FileInputStream fileInputStream = new 
+                BufferedInputStream is = new 
BufferedInputStream(fileInputStream)) {

Review Comment:
   I filed the issue because the helper class was very poorly designed and 
implemented. I didn't initially realize it was only used in one place and could 
be inlined so neatly and trivially. However it turns out that it can, and this 
PR noticeably simplifies the archetype creator class as well as eliminating the 
charset detectpr class. It's good work. 

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