
ASF GitHub Bot commented on MBUILDCACHE-64:

AlexanderAshitkin commented on code in PR #91:

@@ -165,45 +184,94 @@ public MavenProjectInput(
         this.repoSystem = repoSystem;
         this.remoteCache = remoteCache;
         Properties properties = project.getProperties();
-        this.dirGlob = properties.getProperty(CACHE_INPUT_GLOB_NAME, 
+        this.defaultFilenameGlob = 
properties.getProperty(CACHE_INPUT_GLOB_NAME, config.getDefaultGlob());
         this.processPlugins =
         this.tmpDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
+        this.baseDirectoryGlob = baseDirPath.toString().replace("\\", "/") + 
         org.apache.maven.model.Build build = project.getBuild();
-        filteredOutPaths = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
-                normalizedPath(build.getDirectory()), // target by default
-                normalizedPath(build.getOutputDirectory()),
-                normalizedPath(build.getTestOutputDirectory())));
+        addToExcludedSection(
+                convertToPathMatcherFileSeperator(
+                        + GLOB_SX_ALL_SUB_FILES,
+                false); // target by default
+        addToExcludedSection(
+                convertToPathMatcherFileSeperator(
+                        + GLOB_SX_ALL_SUB_FILES,
+                false); // target/classes by default
+        addToExcludedSection(
+                convertToPathMatcherFileSeperator(
+                        + GLOB_SX_ALL_SUB_FILES,
+                false); // target/test-classes by default
         List<Exclude> excludes = config.getGlobalExcludePaths();
         for (Exclude excludePath : excludes) {
-            filteredOutPaths.add(Paths.get(excludePath.getValue()));
+            addToExcludedSection(excludePath.getValue(), true);
         for (String propertyName : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
             if (propertyName.startsWith(CACHE_EXCLUDE_NAME)) {
                 String propertyValue = properties.getProperty(propertyName);
-                Path path = Paths.get(propertyValue);
-                filteredOutPaths.add(path);
+                addToExcludedSection(propertyValue, true);
                 if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
-                            "Adding an excludePath from property '{}', values 
is '{}', path is '{}' ",
-                            propertyName,
-                            propertyValue,
-                            path);
+                            "Adding an excludePath from property '{}', value 
is '{}'", propertyName, propertyValue);
-                LOGGER,
-                filteredOutPaths,
-                "List of excluded paths (checked either by fileName or by 
startsWith prefix)",
-                "Path entry");
+                LOGGER, inputExcludePathMatcherString, "List of excluded glob 
patterns", "Pattern");
         this.fileComparator = new PathIgnoringCaseComparator();
+    private String convertToPathMatcherFileSeperator(String path) {
+        return path.replace("\\", "/");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a value from the excluded section list to the directories and/or 
the filenames ban list.
+     * @param excludedValue a value from the exclude list
+     */
+    private void addToExcludedSection(String excludedValue, boolean 
addProjectBaseDir) {
+        String pathMatcherGlob = GLOB_PX
+                +
+                // Add the base directory to any input directly coming from 
user configuration
+                (addProjectBaseDir ? baseDirectoryGlob : "")
+                +
+                // If the glob start with "/", we remove it since it's already 
added in the added basedir glob
+                (excludedValue.startsWith("/") ? excludedValue.substring(1) : 
+        // In order to skip unnecessary subtree dir walking, we use a 
different PathMatcher list for "directories" or
+        // "files + directories"
+        inputExcludePathMatchers.add(new 
TreeWalkerPathMatcher(pathMatcherGlob, false));
+        // Globs ending with "**" should end any sub-directory inspection
+        if (pathMatcherGlob.endsWith("**")) {

Review Comment:
   Well, there are different semantics now and before for project-level 
   Before: declaring `<exclude.me>mydir/mysubdir</exclude.me>` exclusion was 
filtering out the whole subtree (through the `Path#startsWith`)
   Now: declaring `mydir/mysubdir` doesn't exclude anything.
    For consistency, we must keep the path semantics of properties or migrate 
them to the globs/regex semantics, delegating filtering expressions to the 
users. But the main point is that it should be consistent,  transparent, and 

@@ -165,45 +184,94 @@ public MavenProjectInput(
         this.repoSystem = repoSystem;
         this.remoteCache = remoteCache;
         Properties properties = project.getProperties();
-        this.dirGlob = properties.getProperty(CACHE_INPUT_GLOB_NAME, 
+        this.defaultFilenameGlob = 
properties.getProperty(CACHE_INPUT_GLOB_NAME, config.getDefaultGlob());
         this.processPlugins =
         this.tmpDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
+        this.baseDirectoryGlob = baseDirPath.toString().replace("\\", "/") + 
         org.apache.maven.model.Build build = project.getBuild();
-        filteredOutPaths = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
-                normalizedPath(build.getDirectory()), // target by default
-                normalizedPath(build.getOutputDirectory()),
-                normalizedPath(build.getTestOutputDirectory())));
+        addToExcludedSection(
+                convertToPathMatcherFileSeperator(
+                        + GLOB_SX_ALL_SUB_FILES,
+                false); // target by default
+        addToExcludedSection(
+                convertToPathMatcherFileSeperator(
+                        + GLOB_SX_ALL_SUB_FILES,
+                false); // target/classes by default
+        addToExcludedSection(
+                convertToPathMatcherFileSeperator(
+                        + GLOB_SX_ALL_SUB_FILES,
+                false); // target/test-classes by default
         List<Exclude> excludes = config.getGlobalExcludePaths();
         for (Exclude excludePath : excludes) {
-            filteredOutPaths.add(Paths.get(excludePath.getValue()));
+            addToExcludedSection(excludePath.getValue(), true);
         for (String propertyName : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
             if (propertyName.startsWith(CACHE_EXCLUDE_NAME)) {
                 String propertyValue = properties.getProperty(propertyName);
-                Path path = Paths.get(propertyValue);
-                filteredOutPaths.add(path);
+                addToExcludedSection(propertyValue, true);
                 if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
-                            "Adding an excludePath from property '{}', values 
is '{}', path is '{}' ",
-                            propertyName,
-                            propertyValue,
-                            path);
+                            "Adding an excludePath from property '{}', value 
is '{}'", propertyName, propertyValue);
-                LOGGER,
-                filteredOutPaths,
-                "List of excluded paths (checked either by fileName or by 
startsWith prefix)",
-                "Path entry");
+                LOGGER, inputExcludePathMatcherString, "List of excluded glob 
patterns", "Pattern");
         this.fileComparator = new PathIgnoringCaseComparator();
+    private String convertToPathMatcherFileSeperator(String path) {
+        return path.replace("\\", "/");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a value from the excluded section list to the directories and/or 
the filenames ban list.
+     * @param excludedValue a value from the exclude list
+     */
+    private void addToExcludedSection(String excludedValue, boolean 
addProjectBaseDir) {
+        String pathMatcherGlob = GLOB_PX
+                +
+                // Add the base directory to any input directly coming from 
user configuration
+                (addProjectBaseDir ? baseDirectoryGlob : "")
+                +
+                // If the glob start with "/", we remove it since it's already 
added in the added basedir glob
+                (excludedValue.startsWith("/") ? excludedValue.substring(1) : 
+        // In order to skip unnecessary subtree dir walking, we use a 
different PathMatcher list for "directories" or
+        // "files + directories"
+        inputExcludePathMatchers.add(new 
TreeWalkerPathMatcher(pathMatcherGlob, false));
+        // Globs ending with "**" should end any sub-directory inspection
+        if (pathMatcherGlob.endsWith("**")) {

Review Comment:
   Well, there are different semantics now and before for project-level 
   Before: declaring `<exclude.me>mydir/mysubdir</exclude.me>` exclusion was 
filtering out the whole subtree (through the `Path#startsWith`)
   Now: declaring `mydir/mysubdir` doesn't exclude anything.
    For consistency, we must keep the path semantics of properties or migrate 
them to the globs/regex semantics, delegating filtering expressions to the 
users. But the main point is that it should be consistent,  transparent, and 

> Apply global exclusions to folder names
> ---------------------------------------
>                 Key: MBUILDCACHE-64
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MBUILDCACHE-64
>             Project: Maven Build Cache Extension
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 1.0.1
>            Reporter: Frank Wagner
>            Assignee: Olivier Lamy
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>             Fix For: 1.1.0
> It is currently not possible to exclude folders by their name, like 
> {quote}<input>
> <global>
> <excludes>
> <exclude>node_modules</exclude>
> <exclude>dist</exclude>
> <exclude>build</exclude>
> </excludes>
> </global>
> ...
> {quote}
> That's because isFilteredOutSubpath(), 
> [https://github.com/apache/maven-build-cache-extension/blob/master/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/buildcache/checksum/MavenProjectInput.java#L638,]
>  uses startWith on normalized absolute paths.
> That function could be enhanced with an additional criterion like in 
> [https://github.com/apache/maven-build-cache-extension/blob/master/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/buildcache/checksum/MavenProjectInput.java#L510]
> {{filteredOutPaths.stream().anyMatch(it -> 
> it.getFileName().equals(entry.getFileName()))}}

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