
Michael Osipov commented on MNG-7752:

One should use 3.x for "old" dependencies.

> can't download transitive dependencies if there is an expression in the pom
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-7752
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-7752
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 4.0.0-alpha-5
>         Environment: Apache Maven 4.0.0-alpha-5 
> (26d10a4bf9a2df75feef60da01d8706f2bf77a47)
> Maven home: /mnt/c/users/sellersj/Downloads/apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-5
> Java version: 17.0.6, vendor: Private Build, runtime: 
> /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64
> Default locale: en, platform encoding: UTF-8
> OS name: "linux", version: "", arch: 
> "amd64", family: "unix"
>            Reporter: Jim Sellers
>            Priority: Major
> The released pom has {{pom.version}} it in. Works in 3.9.1 and everything 3.x 
> as far as I can tell.
> {code:title=command to run}
> mvn -V org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.5.0:get 
> -Dartifact=org.apache.tiles:tiles-jsp:2.2.2
> {code}
> {code:title=log}
> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
> [INFO]
> [INFO] -------------------------------------------< 
> org.apache.maven:standalone-pom >--------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
> [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------[ pom 
> ]----------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- dependency:3.5.0:get (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---
> [INFO] Resolving org.apache.tiles:tiles-jsp:jar:2.2.2 with transitive 
> dependencies
> [WARNING] The POM for org.apache.tiles:tiles-servlet:jar:${pom.version} is 
> missing, no dependency information available
> [WARNING] The POM for org.apache.tiles:tiles-template:jar:${pom.version} is 
> missing, no dependency information available
> [INFO] 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time:  10.993 s
> [INFO] Finished at: 2023-03-29T15:07:34-04:00
> [INFO] 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.5.0:get (default-cli) on 
> project standalone-pom: Couldn't download artifact: 
> org.eclipse.aether.resolution.DependencyResolutionException: The following 
> artifacts could not be resolved: 
> org.apache.tiles:tiles-servlet:jar:${pom.version} (absent), 
> org.apache.tiles:tiles-template:jar:${pom.version} (absent): 
> org.apache.tiles:tiles-servlet:jar:${pom.version} was not found in 
> https://example.com/maven-proxy/content/groups/all-released during a previous 
> attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and resolution is 
> not reattempted until the update interval of asb-repository has elapsed or 
> updates are forced -> [Help 1]
> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the '-e' 
> switch
> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the '-X' switch to enable verbose output
> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
> read the following articles:
> [ERROR] [Help 1] 
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoExecutionException
> {code}

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