
Piotr Zygielo commented on MCOMPILER-511:

When with given reproducer
{{mvn clean generate-sources}}
is used - no .class is generated (no compilation happens), as then execution 
{{id=process}} takes place.

I believe it's the info log that uses "Compiling". But what other verb would be 
more appropriate? javacing?

With {{clean compile}} - the second :compile (the first is bound to 
generare-sources) DOES compile. As expected.

IMO - all is fine with the plugin, and this issue is either invalid or should 
be changed to improvement to change the log message, if that is possible at all.

> proc:only doesn't work as expected
> ----------------------------------
>                 Key: MCOMPILER-511
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MCOMPILER-511
>             Project: Maven Compiler Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.10.1
>         Environment: Windows, Tested with JDK 1.8, 11, 17
>            Reporter: Stefan Röck
>            Priority: Major
> According to the docs 
> [https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-compiler-plugin/compile-mojo.html#proc,]
>  *proc:only* should only process annotation processors but *not* trigger 
> compilation. However, files are always compiled with the following config:
> {code}
> <plugin>
>                 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>                 <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
>                 <version>3.10.1</version>
>                 <executions>
>                     <execution>
>                         <id>process</id>
>                         <phase>generate-sources</phase>
>                         <goals>
>                             <goal>compile</goal>
>                         </goals>
>                         <configuration>
>                             <annotationProcessors>
> <processor>org.immutables.processor.ProxyProcessor</processor>
>                             </annotationProcessors>
>                             <proc>only</proc>
>                         </configuration>
>                     </execution>
>                 </executions>
>             </plugin>
> {code}
> See small reproducer repo at https://github.com/stefanroeck/annotationtest
> In the logs I can see that the prop is passed through, but still 2 classes 
> are compiled:
> {code}
> 21:12:25,407 [DEBUG] -d C:\dev\IdeaProjects\annotationtest\target\classes 
> -classpath 
> C:\dev\IdeaProjects\annotationtest\target\classes;C:\Dev\.m2\repository\org\immutables\value\2.8.8\value-2.8.8.jar;
>  -sourcepath 
> C:\dev\IdeaProjects\annotationtest\src\main\java;C:\dev\IdeaProjects\annotationtest\target\generated-sources\annotations;
>  -s C:\dev\IdeaProjects\annotationtest\target\generated-sources\annotations 
> -proc:only -processor org.immutables.processor.ProxyProcessor -g -nowarn 
> -target 17 -source 17 -encoding UTF-8
> 21:12:25,412 [DEBUG] incrementalBuildHelper#beforeRebuildExecution
> 21:12:25,412 [INFO] Compiling 2 source files to 
> C:\dev\IdeaProjects\annotationtest\target\classes
> {code}

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