
Robert Scholte commented on MNG-7037:

[~md_5] are we talking about Artifact Resolver or Maven? If it is about the 
first, continue on a MRESOLVER issue. Regarding EVENTUALLY not publish, that 
would make sure plugins and extensions only use APIs and SPIs. And that would 
keep the internal code as intended: for internal use only. But no worries, 
we're not at that level yet.

[~Pavel_K] As we cannot touch current code, we need to introduce new interfaces 
and classes. Depending on their pupose, they either and up on maven-api or 
maven-spi. Looking at your lists of colliding packages maybe even 
All active committers are still working on other topics, I don't see this one 
being solved soon as it only helps a very small group of people. Maven runs 
fine on the classpath, so there's no huge trigger to pick this one up, unless 
we have a sponsor.

> Add JPMS support -> solve split packages problem
> ------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-7037
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-7037
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>    Affects Versions: 3.6.3
>            Reporter: Pavel_K
>            Priority: Minor
> I use apache maven with apache maven resolver in JPMS environment as 
> automatic modules. At least I wanted to use them this way. When I started my 
> application I got
> java.lang.module.ResolutionException: Modules maven.model.builder and 
> maven.model export package org.apache.maven.model.merge to module 
> mymodule.core.
> Please, add JPMS support. 2020 is ending and there are still split packages.

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