
Andreas Dangel commented on MPMD-303:

Looking at the code on GitHub I see the repo contains only the default ruleset.

Yes, that's the ruleset, that the maven-pmd-plugin provides and uses as 
default, if no other rulesets are configured.
This means, that your configuration is not applied.

Looking at your poc code, I can see, that the configuration is applied when 
running {{mvn site}} - and the rulesets are correctly extracted:

$ ls target/pmd/rulesets/
bestpractices.xml  codestyle.xml  design.xml  documentation.xml  errorprone.xml 
 multithreading.xml  performance.xml  security.xml

These rulesets are provided by PMD itself -> 

Only when you run {{mvn pmd:pmd}} directly, your configuration is not applied - 
that's because, in that case, the reporting configuration is not used and you 
need to configure the m-pmd-p under {{<build>/<plugins>}} as a build plugin in 
addition to the reporting plugin.
See also http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-configuring-plugins.html



> Configuration is ignored
> ------------------------
>                 Key: MPMD-303
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MPMD-303
>             Project: Maven PMD Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: PMD
>    Affects Versions: 3.13.0
>            Reporter: Luigi Berrettini
>            Priority: Critical
>         Attachments: poc-mvn-pmd-plugin.zip
> I configured the reporting plugin this way:
> {noformat}
>  <plugin>
>     <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>     <artifactId>maven-pmd-plugin</artifactId>
>     <version>3.13.0</version>
>     <configuration>
>         <rulesets>
>             <ruleset>/category/java/bestpractices.xml</ruleset>
>             <ruleset>/category/java/errorprone.xml</ruleset>
>             <ruleset>/category/java/security.xml</ruleset>
>             <ruleset>/category/java/performance.xml</ruleset>
>             <ruleset>/category/java/multithreading.xml</ruleset>
>             <ruleset>/category/java/design.xml</ruleset>
>             <ruleset>/category/java/codestyle.xml</ruleset>
>             <ruleset>/category/java/documentation.xml</ruleset>
>         </rulesets>
>         <includeTests>true</includeTests>
>         <failurePriority>1</failurePriority>
>         <minimumPriority>1</minimumPriority>
>         <verbose>true</verbose>
>         <showPmdLog>true</showPmdLog>
>         <printFailingErrors>true</printFailingErrors>
>         <failOnViolation>false</failOnViolation>
>         <skip>false</skip>
>         <skipEmptyReport>false</skipEmptyReport>
>     </configuration>
> </plugin>{noformat}
> When I run *_mvn site_* or *_mvn pmd:pmd_* no output is display on the 
> console and the default ruleset is used since only 
> *_target\pmd\rulesets\maven-pmd-plugin-default.xml_* is generated.
> Looking at the code on GitHub I see the repo contains only the default 
> ruleset.
> Moreover the build plugin configuration does not support rulesets which would 
> be a nice to have.

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