
Robert Scholte commented on MPIR-234:

I really wonder if we should call it a URL. IMHO it is a connection String, the 
scmSpecific part is not unified. 

We should question: what does the scm section contain and where is it used for? 
Git is an example where in doesn't only contain the location, but it can also 
contain fetch+push information. So here it also contains the release strategy.

Let's assume that we want to construct the connection, because for some SCMs it 
makes more sense to add it somewhere in the middle (e.g. the connection uses an 
additional arguments like 
We would need to use as extensions, which I don't like for Maven core.

So what do we gain by inheriting + expanding it for modules: reports are much 
better in creating proper instructions. I still think it has introduced too 
much complexity for the effective pom for modules which doesn't add true value.

"So the question becomes what do we put on the Source Repository page for a 
module without an explicit <scm> section."

We don't. Either N/A or See Root SCM URL. 
I'd say: leave it up to the SCM implementation, they know the best answer. IIRC 
with SoftwareAG the SCM and IDE are that much integrated with each other that 
it doesn't make sense to try to access it on filesystem.

> SCM-link in site of multimodule projects should not append module name by 
> default (at least for git)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MPIR-234
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MPIR-234
>             Project: Maven Project Info Reports Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: scm
>    Affects Versions: 2.4
>            Reporter: Mirko Friedenhagen
> I have setup a simple multi module project (see 
> https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample/tree/multi-site-complex) 
> which uses git on github as {{scm}}. While rendering the site, MPIR will by 
> default add the name of the module to the SCM-URLs in source-repository.html. 
> So instead of https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample/ I see 
> https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample/core/, 
> g...@github.com:mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample.git/core and 
> git://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample.git/core in the report for 
> the core module. All these URLs are invalid. For SVN this could be assumed to 
> be the right behaviour, for git and probably other SCMs this is not true. As 
> a workaround I have to reconfigure the scm section (see 
> https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample/blob/multi-site-complex/core/pom.xml)
>  in the modules like this:
> {code:xml}
> <scm>
>   <connection>${project.parent.scm.connection}</connection>
> <developerConnection>${project.parent.scm.developerConnection}</developerConnection>
>   <url>${project.parent.scm.url}</url>
> </scm>
> {code}

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