
Chris Graham commented on MPIR-234:

"So the question becomes what do we put on the Source Repository page for a 
module without an explicit <scm> section."

We don't. Either N/A or See Root SCM URL. 

This has just really driven it home for me: In SCM's like RTC/Clearcase/Accurev 
(and a flattened Git), the concept of a SCM URL for a submodule makes no sense 
at all. It is not possible. When you check out from these, it is an all or 
nothing approach. You can not cherry pick the bits you want.

So, from my SCM agnostic POV, the poms SCM section is only of value (and valid) 
in a a root (release) pom. It should not be displayed, or inferred from any 
other (ie sub module) location.

> SCM-link in site of multimodule projects should not append module name by 
> default (at least for git)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MPIR-234
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MPIR-234
>             Project: Maven Project Info Reports Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: scm
>    Affects Versions: 2.4
>            Reporter: Mirko Friedenhagen
> I have setup a simple multi module project (see 
> https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample/tree/multi-site-complex) 
> which uses git on github as {{scm}}. While rendering the site, MPIR will by 
> default add the name of the module to the SCM-URLs in source-repository.html. 
> So instead of https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample/ I see 
> https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample/core/, 
> g...@github.com:mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample.git/core and 
> git://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample.git/core in the report for 
> the core module. All these URLs are invalid. For SVN this could be assumed to 
> be the right behaviour, for git and probably other SCMs this is not true. As 
> a workaround I have to reconfigure the scm section (see 
> https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample/blob/multi-site-complex/core/pom.xml)
>  in the modules like this:
> {code:xml}
> <scm>
>   <connection>${project.parent.scm.connection}</connection>
> <developerConnection>${project.parent.scm.developerConnection}</developerConnection>
>   <url>${project.parent.scm.url}</url>
> </scm>
> {code}

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